Truth Hunter
Season 2
. 8 Episodes
Join Linda Moulton Howe in uncovering hidden alien truths and government secrets.
The truth really is out there, for those daring enough to seek it. It will take a bold investigative reporter to penetrate through all of the lies to expose what the governments of the world know about the alien presence on Earth.
Linda Moulton Howe has spent her life hunting the truth about ET activity and government cover-ups. In Truth Hunter, she brings to light details you may have never heard about prominent UFO cases and extraterrestrial contacts. Discover revelations about our universe, the solar system and the planet we live on.
Season 1: Explore stories of ET contact experience and UFO sightings across the globe.
Season 2: This special update of Truth Hunter with journalist Linda Moulton Howe features a series of exclusive interviews with Tim from Germany, a tactical advisor with covert projects on ET contact.