The Living Transmission of Love

Reconnect with the profound wisdom within, remembering that you are the ultimate technology of transformation. This meditation awakens the dormant energy in your heart and belly, guiding you to embrace your unique essence and share it with the world.

What you’ll take away: ✓ A deeper understanding of the dragonfly within you as a symbol of catalytic change and multidimensional potential ✓ Tools to soften your heart, open your mind, and align with your truest path of love and wisdom ✓ A renewed connection to Gaia and your role in spreading the energy of transmutation and healing

Home Play: Spend time each day visualizing your inner dragonfly — its shimmering wings and transformative power. Imagine it guiding you through challenges and inspiring you to share your gifts with others. Reflect on how this living transmission of love shows up in your life and nurture it through acts of gentleness and trust.

Featuring: Richard Rudd
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English