Peruvian Universities Announce Update on Nazca Mummies

Peruvian Universities Announce Update on Nazca Mummies

The Nazca mummies are slowly revealing their secrets as university scientists continue to test the material of the mummies. What they’ve found may change everything.

In the spring of 2017, researchers began a scientific inquiry into the origins of six, three-fingered mummies found in Nazca, Peru.

Gaia has been documenting the long process of identifying the mummies as top Peruvian universities are testing the material to see exactly what they are — an elaborate hoax or a species of something extraterrestrial?

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Preliminary results from tests performed on the largest mummy’s hands cross-examined against the rest of the body, revealed no evidence to indicate a hoax. Scientists found the largest mummy, ‘Maria,’ to be female and carbon-dated her at roughly 1,700 years old.

Now, journalist Jaime Maussan, who has been covering this story since the beginning, and is in contact with the university scientists has news about the mummies.

“There are different universities in Peru who are investigating this incredible evidence,” Maussan said. “They have found, really, the proof that this case is absolutely real. Unfortunately, I cannot give you details because the universities are planning to present a press conference about the discoveries. I can tell you that the metals that were found inside the bodies, it was not possible to build them more than a thousand years ago, and the universities will reveal what the purpose of this was. It’s going to be shocking for many, and just there, is proof that these creatures were not from this Earth.”

Where were these metal implants found on the mummies?

“The implants of metal in the small bodies — we found them in the bodies that are 2’ in size (60cm) — they are in the chest. We thought it was something physical that was put there for some head issues. No, now the universities are finding that this is very advanced technology. But they will release the information telling you what the purpose of this. Why they were using this, for what reason, and right there is going to be the ‘smoking gun’ as you say in the United States about the presence of another technology that was close to humans so long ago,” Maussan said.

How does this discovery fit into the bigger picture, the human record and the search for non-human life?

“Human beings are trying to find extraterrestrial life through the James Webb telescope with an investigation in Mars, the investigation in the moon Europa around Jupiter, and so on,” Maussan said. “Now we have here, the physical evidence that we’ll prove, along with the release of the information from the Pentagon, that these UFOs come with these creatures, which are not from this Earth. I am very excited because all the findings are demonstrating that what Gaia and ourselves found in 2017 was absolutely real.”

The Peruvian universities plan to hold a live-streaming press conference in the coming months, where they say they will spell out all the details and provide evidence of their claims.

Laser Scanning Reveals Mayan Complex Hidden for Centuries

Laser Scanning Reveals Mayan Complex Hidden for Centuries

Laser mapping reveals nearly 500 ancient ceremonial sites hiding just under the landscape of modern-day Mexico and leads scientists to revise their understandings of the origins of the Maya Civilization.

Eastern Mexico is home to the ancient Maya, renowned for their striking pyramids, written language, and complex calendar system. It is there that scientists first discovered Aquada Fénix, the largest and oldest-known Mayan construction.

Professor Takeshi Inomata is an archeologist at the University of Arizona who led the study. “We did LiDAR, which is an airborne laser marking technique. Using this technique we found Aguada Fénix, which is the oldest monumental construction in the Maya area,” Inomata said. “It has a huge artificial plateau which has a perfect, rectangular shape measuring 1.4 km long and 400m wide, which represents the largest construction in the entire Maya history. It dates to probably 1,100 – 700 BC, which makes it the oldest monumental construction in the Maya area. So the interesting part is that the largest building happened at the very beginning or oldest stage of Maya civilization.”

Having made this extraordinary find, the team recently expanded their search to a broader area using the same cutting-edge LiDAR technology. They were specifically hoping to find sites built by the Olmec people, an older civilization thought to have influenced the development of the Maya. What LiDAR revealed was groundbreaking.

“We found nearly 500 ceremonial complexes, which look like Aguada Fénix, although they are not as big. This distribution shows they shared similar concepts of space, ritual, and probably worldview. It tells us the people in the Olmec area and the Maya area really exchanged ideas and that kind of interaction was very important for the initial development of Mesoamerican civilizations,” Inomata said.

“This is the earliest evidence for the gathering of a really large number of people. Those people probably did not have too many hierarchical organizations, they most likely did not have kings. They didn’t have much marked social inequalities, so those people gathered and organized themselves, then made these huge constructions. This really makes us think about the development and possibility of human societies, not just about Mesoamerica, but about human societies in general.”

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