George Noory

George Noory

George Noory is perhaps best known as the host of the nationally syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM, where he is heard by millions of listeners on more than 560 stations in the United States, as well as stations in Canada, Guam and Mexico. He has been the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program since January 1, 2003. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. Noory has co-authored four books. He grew up in Detroit.

500 videos found

Brain Power for Positive Impact with Bob Glotzhober
Beyond Belief
Each one of us has access to the most sophisticated thing in the known universe that can handle any difficult situation that comes our way – our brains. Coach Bob Glotzhober offers techniques that you can use to change your approach to the conflicts that arise on a day to day basis.
Exposing GMO Agendas with Jeffrey Smith
Beyond Belief
With major lobbyists holding sway over political opinion, it seems that the ever tightening grip of “Big Ag” is set to become unbreakable. However, Jeffrey Smith has already put into motion a plan which puts power back into the hands of the consumer.
Controlling the Human Mind with Nick Begich
Beyond Belief
New advances in technology will make the connection between the internet and our minds seamless. One day this will open the way for enhanced consciousness, and as Nick Begich explains, could leave our minds vulnerable to external control.
Beyond Belief
Micah Hanks espouses that we are not alone in this universe and that it is only a matter of time before scientists breach the technological singularity. Then we will finally become capable of contacting a myriad of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
Ghost Rockets in the Sky with Micah Hanks
Beyond Belief
Streaking across the sky, strange rocket-like projectiles seem to appear out of nowhere, only to vanish just as mysteriously. Micah Hanks recounts tales from those who have encountered these ghost rockets and speculates about their mysterious origin.
Coexisting with the Paranormal with Mary Ann Winkowski
Beyond Belief
Many of us live out our mundane lives completely unaware of the subtle realms that surround our own. Mary Ann Winkowski explains how to detect energetic influences from these realms and offers advice for coexisting with the paranormal.
Turning Negatives into Positives with Howard Bloom
Beyond Belief
Howard Bloom reminds us that despite the challenges we face from psychic vampires and illnesses, our minds have the incredible potential to turn all of these negatives into the most powerful positives we can imagine.
The Genius of Einstein with Jeffrey Bennett
Beyond Belief
Developing the complexities of General and Special Relativity is what defined Albert Einstein as a genius and launched an unprecedented era of technological and scientific advancements. Jeffrey Bennett offers a short explanation of what relativity is and why it matters to all of us.
Beyond Belief
Magick and ritual is not what we see in Hollywood. Jason Louv shares ways that you can begin your own journey of exploring magick and how to find yourself within the pattern of the universe.
Shadow People and the Secret War with Heidi Hollis
Beyond Belief
In the quiet serenity of night, shadows delicately drape across the room. A movement catches your eye as one of the shadows takes the shape of a person and the tranquility is broken. Was it your imagination or is something sinister lurking in the darkness?
Transcendent Truths with Howard Bloom
Beyond Belief
Howard Bloom calls for us to transcend our stagnant truths with a unified vision of pursuing new levels of technological advancements that will ensure continued increases in life expectancy and IQ for future generations.
Ending the Health Decline with Dr. Joel Wallach
Beyond Belief
There is no doubt that the state of health for the average American has been on the decline. Whether we are faced with something missing from our diet or medical mistakes, there are things we can do to stay healthy. Dr. Joel Wallach helps us to make the right choices to stay healthy.
A Life without Regret with Vincent Genna
Beyond Belief
Vincent Genna’s first crack at life did not seem to set him up to become a psychic who helps to empower people to believe in themselves, but that is exactly what happened. Now he helps people reflect upon their childhood dreams to discover what they were meant to do.
The Downing of Flight 800 with Jim Sanders
Beyond Belief
July 1996, TWA Flight 800 took off from JFK International Airport in New York. Twelve minutes later it plunged into the Atlantic Ocean as flaming wreckage. Jim Sanders has studied every detail of this tragedy and presents his explanation for the downing of Flight 800.