Jay Weidner

Jay Weidner

Searching across the world for signs to mankind's religious decree via ancient societies and artifacts, Jay Weidner is a renowned filmmaker, author, and scholar whose work offers significant insight into the factors that have led to the current global crisis.

Considered to be a ?modern-day Indiana Jones? for his ongoing global quest for humanity?s spiritual destiny, Jay Weidner is the co-author of "The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time" and "A Monument to the End of Time (with Vincent Bridges)."

Weidner has been featured in multiple History Channel documentaries including "The Lost Book of Nostradamus" and "Nostradamus 2012," for which he was also an associate producer. He was also featured in the documentary, "Room 237," in Brad Meltzer?s "Decoded," and in Jesse Ventura?s, "Conspiracy Theory."

Weidner is both wrote and directed the new feature film, "The Last Avatar," as well as the documentary series on Stanley Kubrick, "Kubrick's Odyssey." His previous directing works also include the critically acclaimed documentary, "Infinity: The Ultimate Trip," "Journey Beyond Death," and "Beyond the Infinite."

43 videos found

Lynch's Twin Peaks
Hollywood Decoded
Occult philosophies from Tibetan Buddhism, Gnostic Myth converge in the mirrored world of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks. Before The X-Files, Twin Peaks served as a vehicle for slow disclosure, while portraying a satirical view of modern life in microcosm.
Roddenberry's Star Trek
Hollywood Decoded
Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore the idyllic technological and social utopia of Star Trek, which may have served as the original medium for slow disclosure of the secret space program. A theme which continued throughout the series and reached a crescendo with the Next Generation episode, The Chase.
Lucas's Star Wars Trilogy
Hollywood Decoded
In the Star Wars trilogy, several paradigms of mystical teachings converged in what would become the most influential movie franchise in history. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner examine the characters who portray Jungian archetypes amid layers of Hermetic thought mixed Kabbalistic teachings.
The Last Mimzy and 9
Hollywood Decoded
With The Last Mimzy and 9, each tale as an esoteric allegory influenced by Paracelsus, Platonism and Gnosticism. We discover the dangers of technology and A.I. run rampant, while the power of awakened consciousness and the recovery of the soul can revitalize life on our planet.
Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut
Hollywood Decoded
Jay Dyer and Jay Weider explore the subtle symbolism hidden throughout Eyes Wide Shut, which reveal the secret machinations of the power elite. As we examine the intricate details of this movie, we see the lengths that an occult-based power elite will go to maintain their control over the wheels of our society.
Nolan's Interstellar
Hollywood Decoded
In Christopher Nolan’s, Interstellar, love, like gravity, reaches across spacetime and dimensions bringing hope to a new age of humanity. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner reveal a world on the brink of extinction due to an unstoppable blight, reaching out to the cosmos in last desperate bid for survival.
Nolan's Batman Saga Concludes
Hollywood Decoded
Christopher Nolan resolves his Batman trilogy as the Dark Knight rises from his own darkness and the people finally take a stand against the fear-based tyranny enveloping Gotham. We see this played out with the duality of personalities and dialectic tensions woven throughout the franchise.