Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers about UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. There is no aspect of the phenomenon Richard won’t study. He continues to look forward to exploring this topic in all its depth, a topic he believes opens our doors of perception, challenging us to see the world differently and more clearly.

42 videos found

False Flags of the Nazi Party
False Flags
Richard Dolan exposes how the Nazi party, in the 1930s, manipulated the German people into agreeing to aggressive actions prior to WWII. What the Nazi leaders learned from these actions, is that the public can always be brought to do the bidding of their leaders.
Rise of False Flags with Richard Dolan
Richard Dolan reports that false flag operations have been a regular part of major governments since the 1600s. Since then, false flags have become the most violent form of propaganda, being used for cultural conditioning and mainstream distractions.
The Year UFO Secrecy Nearly Ended!
Aerial Phenomena
Richard Dolan describes how hundreds if not thousands of UFOs were sighted in the skies over the United States in 1952. This resulted in 1952 earning the title 'The Year of the Flying Saucer'.
Aerial Phenomena
Richard Dolan reveals information on a secret CIA memo from August 1952 outlining the incredible documentation of UFOs reaching amazing speeds. The CIA also documents the characteristics, shape, and sizes of these UFOs, some of which were said to be gigantic.
Contact vs. Abduction
Aerial Phenomena
What is the difference between contact and abduction, and do these modern occurrences have historical correlations? Richard Dolan explores strange contact cases from throughout the centuries.
The Modern Age of Deception
False Flags
Richard Dolan reveals details of three events which ushered in the modern age of deception. Before we can definitively identify these as false flags, we must ask, who benefits?
Waving At Friendly Aliens
Aerial Phenomena
Richard Dolan describes an unusual incident in 1959 that unfolded in New Guinea, when many witnesses (including well-known priest Reverend Gill) witnessed a disc shaped craft hovering in the sky.
False Flags and Regime Change
False Flags
Richard Dolan outlines the steps used to enact revolution in foreign countries and install a government friendly to domestic interests. This becomes apparent as he details events in a post-WWII world where the United States perfected sophisticated False Flag tactics to bring about regime changes on an international scale.
The Curious Case of the CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter
Aerial Phenomena
In this episode, Richard Dolan reveals the relationship between CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter and UFO investigative author Donald Keyhoe of the organization NICAP (National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena).
Extraordinary Encounters with Extraterrestrial Entities
Open Minds
As a historian that specializes in extraterrestrial contact, Richard Dolan has studied the gamut of UFO history from science and military to personal accounts. Now, he shares a few of these strange stories which may have a lasting and profound effect upon our civilization.
Unity at Hemkund Sahib
The Road to Dharma
The Himalayan riders hear a rare the cuff dialogue with their teacher Anand about his father and the true meaning of abundance, wealth, sex, power, fame.
Failed UAP Recovery in the Pacific
Aerial Phenomena
Several documented military operations resulted in direct experiences with UAP. Richard Dolan describes the details of high-altitude nuclear detonation tests carried out by the U.S. military, known as 'Operation Dominic'.
History of False Flags
False Flags
Richard Dolan explains how the state makes use of propaganda to achieve specific ends that would otherwise be impossible to justify. To do this, he takes us back to ancient times to explore the earliest forms of false flags.
Propaganda Machine Leading Up to WWII
False Flags
Richard Dolan explains how authoritarian governments use mass media propaganda to raise public support for military actions by examining false flag operations enacted by Japan and the Soviet Union, which led up to WWII.
Is There a Breakaway Civilization?
Aerial Phenomena
Richard Dolan explores information on secret space programs, and their potential connections with UFOs.
False Flags of the Cold War
False Flags
With the end of WWII the US and Soviet Union began a cold war for global control. Both sides engaged in tactics to convince the people that they needed to submit to ever increasing levels of authority, for their own protection.
Senator Goldwater's Encounter with UFO Secrecy
Aerial Phenomena
Richard Dolan reveals information on the history of U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater's interest in the UFO phenomena.
Walking Among Us?
Aerial Phenomena
Richard Dolan explores two fascinating accounts of individuals reporting ‘human-looking’ alien beings.