Islands of Inner Peace
Season 2 . 13 Episodes TV-G

Experience an innovative way to life-enhancing benefits while connecting with what matters most. With calming music, wise words and breathtaking nature imagery, these mindfulness films provide islands of peace in the “oceans” of stress during these overwhelming times.

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Islands of Inner Peace (Preview)

Experience an innovative way to life-enhancing benefits while connecting with what matters most. These short, mood-shifting films help create daily “islands” of inner peace in the midst of “oceans” filled with distractions, obligations and stress.

Each of these inspiring short films combines the wise words from a respected humanitarian leader with music composed specifically to accompany those thoughts and gorgeous footage from the world of nature. The result is an intoxicating brew of aesthetic beauty designed to mesmerize you into a few minutes of rare inner calm and renewal, offering benefits that can often last for hours.

With music by Emmy Award-winning composer-producer Gary Malkin and images by award-winning cinematographers David Fortney and Louis Robert, these innovative gems of mindfulness practice are designed to nourish by opening the heart, inspiring the soul and awakening the spirit.

Featuring: Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Sarah McCrum, Dr. Pankaj Naram, Lynne Twist, Zalman Schacter Shalomi, Lew Epstein
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
9 mins TV-G
Featuring: Marianne Williamson
Playing small does not serve the world, Marianne Williamson reminds us. We are all meant to shine.
7 mins TV-G
How would God answer our questions about existence? Interviewing God, a poem by James J. Lachard, is a profoundly insightful conversation with Source.
12 mins TV-G
Featuring: Michael Beckwith
Tap into the inexhaustible goodness of your divine being with this meditation from Reverend Michael Beckwith. ‘Yes, I am. Yes, I can. Yes, I will. Yes, I am able.”
8 mins TV-G
Featuring: Sarah McCrum
Dive into this immersive, multi-sensory invitation into the ‘wilderness of the present moment”, where the radical now becomes the only context in which life is worth living.
14 mins TV-G
Featuring: Dr. Pankaj Naram
In one of the last recordings from the late globally respected Ayurvedic healer, Dr. Pankaj Naram, you are given a subliminal superconscious pep talk to remind you that we are all truly unstoppable, at the core.
6 mins TV-G
Featuring: Sarah McCrum
To reverse the tendency we all have to over-engage with the exterior world, we invite you to listen carefully to the quiet meditations of your own astonishingly efficient and tender heart.
10 mins TV-G
Featuring: Lynne Twist
Will you have the courage to be the best version of yourself when it’s needed? Visionary Lynne Twist reminds you that courage is always available, waiting for you to claim it.
10 mins TV-G
Featuring: Sarah McCrum
Can we hear the voice of Gaia? Sarah McCrum speaks to these precarious times to inspire us to co-create a thriving world.
12 mins TV-G
Featuring: Sarah McCrum
How can we co-create a new Earth? As you look through this visionary portal described by Sarah McCrum, a new way forward illuminates a generative vision where you can honor diversity, cultivate cooperation, and experience respect for all life.
10 mins TV-G
Featuring: Sarah McCrum
In this meditation from Sarah McCrum, allow yourself to open your heart and your soul, unfolding into the natural expression of the unique and extraordinary being that you are.
8 mins TV-G
Featuring: Zalman Schacter Shalomi
Featuring one of the most beloved of American rabbis, Zalman Schacter Shalomi, we listen in to an intimate conversation filled with a profound gratitude for the preciousness of life.
7 mins TV-G
Featuring: Lew Epstein
Living life without feeling love from those who love you is like watching a rose turning away from the sunlight that sustains it.When we let the love in, we awaken our innate purpose with a remembrance of who we are and what matters most.
9 mins TV-G
Featuring: Sarah McCrum
In a powerful multi-sensory journey, Sarah McCrum brings your attention to the infinite light within our consciousness.