Soul Lessons

Everything about your life really is optimally suited for your soul’s growth. Every challenge you face and every difficult person you encounter are all part of the plan. It is the time in between lives when you met with your soul group to determine the lessons you are to learn. James Van Praagh explains how we create a spiritual blueprint for our lifetime and offers a mind journey, to discover your life’s most prevalent soul lessons, which leads right in to giving soul readings before a live studio audience.

While explaining what he learned from his mind journey, John and his wife have several family members come through. They ask to pass on important messages to family members who are still alive. Lee Anne connects with her mother in law, who wants to send a message to her husband who is still living and to have her mother check her health. Then, Mary hears from her grandfather who is sorry about the family being separated as he tried hard to keep them together. He has a message for her about her soul lesson for this lifetime.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
S2:Ep3 43 mins TV-PG
S2:Ep4 49 mins TV-PG
S2:Ep5 44 mins TV-PG