Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken

During his formative years at the renowned Collège St-Michel in Fribourg, Switzerland, Erich von Däniken immersed himself in ancient holy writings and unsolved archaeological puzzles. Since then he has authored 40 books, including Chariots of the Gods, and held countless lectures and discussions at public forums and educational institutions.

45 videos found

Ancient Guardians of the Sky - Part One
Awakening Conference
Which historic texts support the ancient aliens hypothesis? Legendary Ufologist and author of Chariots of the Gods Erich Von Däniken shares his decades of research in this lecture at the Awakening Conference in Blackpool, UK.
Ancient Guardians of the Sky - Part Two
Awakening Conference
Do discoveries of Earth-like exoplanets offer evidence of ET life? Erich von Däniken outlines the evidence of extraterrestrial involvement throughout human evolution.
Erich Von Däniken: The Gods Were Astronauts
Conscious Life Expo Talks 2019
Join Erich for a fast-paced overview of some of the world’s great mysteries.
Erich von Däniken: The Ancient Gods Have Returned
Great Minds
Discover why the extraterrestrials, who helped early human civilization, came here and what the world will be like when they finally reveal themselves. Erich van Daniken unfolds details of his life and what set him upon this path of exploration.
Enoch and the Great Pyramid
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
Is it possible that the great prophet, Enoch, was instructed by extraterrestrials with the engineering knowledge necessary to construct the great pyramids? Take an excursion through the great pyramid of Cheops with Erich von Däniken as he reveals it hidden mysteries.
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
Erich von Däniken examines passages from the Bible to prove that the gods and angels of the Old Testament were really beings who descended from heaven to create life on Earth and shape human destiny. What we once called God and the angels, were really extraterrestrial beings.
Signs of the Gods
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
From crop circles to massive petroglyph formations, Erich von Däniken reveals the signs that suggest advanced beings have had a long-term presence upon Earth. As we traverse through modern times, could these gods still be leaving us signs of their existence through the widespread appearance of crop circles?
Hybrid Creatures of the Ancient World
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations manipulated extant species on Earth to create hybrid creatures, which terrified burgeoning human civilizations. Erich von Däniken postulates that these were created to survive hostile off-world conditions.
ETs on Earth
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
Could evidence that the gods created humans in their own image be found all over the world? Erich von Däniken offers proof of this contact, which can be found with cave drawings, sculptures, and textural references.
Enoch and the Great Pyramid
The Gods were Astronauts
Why was the Book of Enoch left out of the Old Testament and what is Enoch’s connection with the Great Pyramid of Giza?
Technology of Ancient Egypt
The Gods were Astronauts
Was the great pyramid built by an advanced culture which the ancient Egyptians revered as gods?
The Mayan Calendar Explained
The Gods were Astronauts
Were the ancient gods of the Mayan world extraterrestrial human beings?
Mayan Temples in the Jungle
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
Erich von Däniken reveals that the ancient gods in the Mayan world were extraterrestrial humanoid beings. Depictions of these descended beings can be found all across Central American in the holy sites of Tikal, Chichen Itza and Tulum.
Anomalous Monuments in the Americas
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
Erich von Däniken guides us on a journey through ancient American sites where megalithic structures depict extraterrestrial beings interacting with cultures predating the Mayans and Incans. These can be found along the Street of the Dead in Teotihuacan and the pyramids in Tikal.
Flying Machines of the Vedic Gods
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
Ages ago, the gods not only walked among us, but as Erich von Däniken explains, they flew through the air, and beyond, in great flying machines. Perhaps these stories are not just mythological tales and allegories, but depictions of extraterrestrial beings interacting with ancient civilizations.
Monuments for the Gods
The Gods were Astronauts
Could the locations of ancient civilizations have been determined by an extraterrestrial power?
Living Mythologies
The Gods were Astronauts
Do the sacred practices of indigenous cultures and ancient traditions preserve the history of a time when the extraterrestrial gods walked among us?
Megaliths and Messages from the Gods
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
The alignment of ancient holy sites across Europe are intentionally placed along geometrically linked lines. Erich von Däniken postulates that this is an ancient message, distinguishable only to spacefaring civilizations.