Lisa Garr

Lisa Garr

Dedicating her life to the awareness of herself and her surroundings, Lisa Garr is the host of Gaiam Inspirations as well as The Aware Show; a talk radio program focused on self-development for healing and achievement.

Considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational programming, Garr has interviewed over 1,500 bestselling authors and experts in the fields of health, healing, personal growth, and spirituality since 1999. Her commitment to providing messages that inspire positive growth and change is unyielding and inspired by her own need for balance.

According to Garr, "I am learning, just like many listeners, and I make it a point to have guests give examples of how to apply their philosophies to everyday living. I bring into my conversations real-life situations, even aspects of my own life that will help clarify concepts. And with so many different angles presented by the different guests, I invite the listeners to hear what philosophies resonate with them and become empowered by making conscious choices."

221 videos found

A New Paradigm for Politics with Marianne Williamson
America is having a new conversation about politics, and Marianne Williamson is vying to be its spokesperson: She is running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Siddha Scientists with Dr. Baskaran Pillai
In this continuing conversation, Dr. Pillai explains that through changing your mindset of consciousness, basically changing how the brain works, you can change anything that you want to change – heal your body, change your finances, fix your relationships.
Decoding Karma with Joe Nunziata
Karma: many are familiar with the concept, but few truly understand its power. What if you could tap into your ultimate karmic power to clear the negative energy that’s holding you back?
How Women Think with Alison Armstrong
To understand a woman is to make her even more intriguing; so says gender expert Alison Armstrong.
Andrew Cohen on Evolutionary Enlightenment
Learn how to reveal your authentic self to achieve enlightenment.
Walking the Camino de Santiago with Sonia Choquette
When life completely changes and everything you know gets uprooted, what do you do? Intuition expert and best-selling author Sonia Choquette went on a walk – a long walk.
Rewriting the Genetic Code with Dr. Mario Martinez
They say age ain’t nothing but a number. So, what if 90 were the new 50? And what if we could completely rewrite our own genetic code?
The Science of the Future with Patrick Flanagan
Microcluster technology, MegaHydration and Nubian Titanium Alloy Pyramids: these are just a few of the remarkable discoveries research scientist Patrick Flanagan has made in his lifetime.
A Happiness How-To with Robert Holden
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness: they’re our inalienable rights as members of the human race. But how many of us pursue happiness and actually find it?
Mitch Battros on the Sun's Influence on Climate Change
Could the sun – not greenhouse gases – be the reason for climate change? What is the true cause of the Earth's cyclical weather events? Can we predict extreme weather events such as earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes?
The Communication Prescription with Dr. Neha Sangwan
Communication is no doubt a cornerstone of any healthy relationship. As the “Doctor of Communication,” Neha Sangwan, M.D., has made it her mission to create self-care through healthcare, and touts effective and authentic communication as her number one prescription.
From Ashram to CEO with Amanda Holmes
Amanda Holmes went from ashram to CEO at 27 years old, and her journey is both inspiring and challenging.
How to Talk So You Can Be Heard with Bill Stierle – Part 2
Communication Specialist Bill Stierle continues to discuss effective ways to communicate, explaining the significance of feelings, needs and requests when talking with coworkers, friends and family.
Changing Your Reality with Niurka
You are what you think. So says Niurka, a professional speaker and transformational leader.
Foster & Kimberly Gamble on the Making of Thrive
Foster and Kimberly Gamble are the husband-and-wife team that created the provocative and ground-breaking documentary THRIVE. Join them for a lively conversation with Lisa Garr about the making of the film and the responses they’ve encountered.
The Love Mob with Preston Smiles
Preston Smiles says, “Love will find a way, everything else will find an excuse.” He is the co-founder of The Love Mob, which is a social movement dedicated to spreading love all over the world.
The Tao of Food with Ron Teeguarden – Part 2
Impatience, anxiety, irritability: we’ve all felt the effects of stress. Luckily, there are plants from all over the world that can reduce our sensitivity to stress. Herbalist Ron Teeguarden tells us what they are, where to get them, and how to use them.
The Ecstasy of Surrender with Judith Orloff
How good are you at surrendering? Do you recognize that you cannot control everything? Can you admit that you do not always have to be right? Can you be spontaneous?