Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Ketogenic Diet: Starving Cancer by Feeding the Body with Dominic D'Agostino
Open Minds
What if there was a way to starve cancer cells of the nutrients they need to survive and improve overall health of the body? Dominic D’Agostino discusses the many benefits of the Ketogenic Diet, beyond helping people with cancer.
Communing with Spirits of Nature with Linda Shaylor Cooper
Open Minds
An unseen world of living beings thrives in the natural world which surrounds our own which many of us are oblivious of. Linda Shaylor Cooper invites us to explore the worlds of magic and wonder hidden the gardens and natural areas everywhere.
Chakras: Beyond the Basics with Cyndi Dale
Open Minds
Cyndi Dale delves beyond the seven chakras to explore the twelve-chakra system, and elucidates upon functions of the chakras that even the most adept of spiritual student may not know. The chakras project the auric field around the body, connect with spiritual beings and make manifest our desires.
Accessing Holistic Telehealth with Donese Worden
Open Minds
Dr. Donese Worden, a naturopathic doctor, discusses how telemedicine through the internet has made it easier and faster to access naturopathic and holistic care practices to determine risk factors you may have, and look at the whole picture of your health, including the health of your microbiome.
Dental Herbalism with Linda Straub-Bruce
Open Minds
There is no doubt that there is a connection between a healthy mouth and healthy body, and a pharmaceutical solution may not always be the best option. Linda Straub-Bruce shares some of the best practices for dental care and oral wellbeing using plant based remedies.
UFOlogical Disinformation with Greg Bishop
Open Minds
The field of UFOlogy is imbued with delusion and disinformation run rampant, according to Greg Bishop. What we find will raise more questions and highlight the lengths of deception enacted by government agencies to protect secret programs at military facilities.
Surviving the Next Mass Extinction with David Christopher
Open Minds
Five times catastrophe has struck our planet and evidence suggests that we are now beginning a sixth cycle of destruction and creation. What is our place in this transition and how can we adapt to a newly emerging world? David Christopher offers sage advice for those seeking the wisdom underlying this turbulent transition.
Adamski’s Otherworldly Revelations with Glenn Steckling
Open Minds
The future of humanity is not just a matter of technological innovation, but one of spiritual advancement. Glenn Steckling conveys the messages of George Adamski concerning the presence extraterrestrial intelligence on earth and their influence over the development of humanity.
Reclaiming the Golden Age with Lee Harris
Open Minds
The golden age of Atlantis and Lemuria was a time when humanity understood its energetic connection to a greater universal collective. Though lost through the ages, it is now being reclaimed. Lee Harris discusses holding the balance between spiritual and worldly connections before channeling “the Z’s.”
UFO Sightings
Open Minds
Physician and author Dr. Lynne Kitei discusses her findings on The Phoenix Lights.
The Kali Yuga and Ascension with Michael Cremo
Open Minds
Michael Cremo reveals an important discovery from the ancient Puranas which tell us how we can survive the Kali Yuga by learning to access higher powers and restore consciousness to its original pure state.
Angels of Atlantis
Open Minds
Bearing various guises and names, advanced beings have walked among us.
From Big Loss to Big Love with Scott Stabile
Open Minds
The world around us is full of big love. Scott Stabile explains how his life's work has led him to find happiness everywhere, even when circumstances may seem impossible to overcome.
Five Dharma Types with Simon Chokoisky
Open Minds
By deciphering ancient Vedic texts in Sanskrit, Simon Chokoisky has decoded the Five Dharma Types. This knowledge can give you the insight needed to discover who you are at the core of your being and finally steer your destiny toward true happiness.
Secret Life of Sleep with Kat Duff
Open Minds
Our modern sleep culture may be the cause of our sleep difficulties. Learning how to get a good night’s sleep has been shown to influence healthy states of mind and body. Kat Duff reveals many secrets of sleep, including insomnia, recurring dreams, and sleep walking.
Conscious Media Network
Having a hard enough time dealing with third dimensional life? How about eleven dimensions? Dr. Michio Kaku, co-founder of string field theory, has made it his life’s mission to discover the equation that leads us through Parallel Worlds and the multiverse, to a meeting with God.
Out of the Shadows of History with Daniel Sheehan
Open Minds
Daniel Sheehan reveals many tell-tale snippets of history that have intentionally been left out of the public narrative which tell of the establishment of a financial cabal and their puppet governments within the United States and the rest of the world.
Interfacing with your Higher Mind with Tiffany Barsotti
Open Minds
From the Reticular Activating System, which may be the seat of conscious awareness, to the functions of the Alta Major chakra, we can reorient our understanding of consciousness by exploring the Theosophical way of balancing energy.