Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Advances in Longevity with Dr. Ed Park
Open Minds
Dr. Ed Park conveys detailed information about the cutting edge of longevity studies including advancements in telomerase and adaptogen research. He offers a fundamental change in how we think about physiology and maintaining health and wellness in order to slow or halt the aging process.
Beyond The Conjuring with Andrea Perron
Open Minds
As life continued for the Perron family, the persistence of paranormal activity forced them to come to terms with the multi-dimensional aspect of their reality. In her second interview with Regina Meredith, Andrea Perron shares what she learned from her many encounters with multi-dimensional entities.
Ask THEO Live: Discovering your Divine Essence with Sheila and Marcus Gillette
Open Minds
Hidden in the heart of our being is a divine-spark that can release these fractures and bring us into alignment with the divine. THEO, as channeled by Sheila Gillette, reveals how you can rediscover and integrate your divine essence into the wholeness of your being.
Simplicity Parenting with Kim John Payne
Open Minds
Has our society become so complex, that our children have become overwhelmed by the many demands placed upon them? Kim John Payne suggests returning simplicity to our children’s lives to reengage their sense of security and creativity.
Healing Matrix
Ayurveda has been used in India for thousands of years to bring the body into a healthy and vitalized state of balance. Ayurvedic and medical doctor Nita Desai discusses the unique principles of yoga's ancient sister science.
Five Dharma Types with Simon Chokoisky
Open Minds
By deciphering ancient Vedic texts in Sanskrit, Simon Chokoisky has decoded the Five Dharma Types. This knowledge can give you the insight needed to discover who you are at the core of your being and finally steer your destiny toward true happiness.
Technology and Consciousness with Adam Curry
Open Minds
What the future holds for us is uncertain. But we can expect a world filled with technology advancing at an ever-quickening pace. With such a future, is there any place for the human mind? Adam Curry explains the coming intersection of technology and consciousness.
Give Back the Pain of your Past with Robert Bleck
Open Minds
Robert Bleck discusses a system he developed, called Source Completion Therapy, which helps his clients to heal deep emotional wounds from their past. He explains that we cannot really be open to all the beauty and magic in our lives until we rid ourselves of the emotional toxins obscuring such wonders.
Columbus’s Quest for Gold with Carl Lehrburger
Open Minds
Carl Lehrburger unravels what may be the true history behind the discovery of America, which is nothing like what we were taught in school. It is possible that the rulers already knew of the New World and its riches? If so, then what were the true motivations for Columbus’s voyage?
A Traveler’s Guide to the Afterlife with Mark Mirabello
Open Minds
Throughout human history, a wide diversity of cultures and spiritual traditions have emerged, each offering unique perceptions concerning death and the afterlife. Mark Mirabello has studied many of these cultural beliefs and has composed a traveler’s guide to the afterlife.
Dispelling the Myth of the Witch with Tom Hatsis
Open Minds
Tom Hatsis scrutinized medieval documentation of witches and has uncovered a history mired in misogyny and persecution against peaceful practitioners of folk medicine who used entheogens as part of their worship of an ancient fertility goddess.
Conscious Media Network
Having a hard enough time dealing with third dimensional life? How about eleven dimensions? Dr. Michio Kaku, co-founder of string field theory, has made it his life’s mission to discover the equation that leads us through Parallel Worlds and the multiverse, to a meeting with God.
Working with the Seven Archetypal Stones with Nicholas Pearson
Open Minds
Nicholas Pearson explores seven of the most important crystal archetypes, explaining how you can use each of them to bring powerful transformation into your life. Discover how Obsidian, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Emerald, Amethyst, Quartz and Diamond can help you on your spiritual journey.
Psychedelic Reunification with Rak Razam
Open Minds
From ayahuasca to toad medicine, Rak Razam forwards his experiences from the jungle to bring expanded consciousness practices to the world. Shamans of the global village are coming to the forefront of the consciousness revolution to help awaken the masses.
It’s not the Economy, Stupid with Andrew Hoffman
Open Minds
News media continues to report that the economy is in recovery, yet many people are still struggling just to survive. Why are food prices still going up and what’s going on with interest rates? “It’s not the economy, stupid.”
Holographic Blood Diagnosis with Harvey Bigelsen
Healing Matrix
Can one drop of blood give us an accurate snapshot of what's ailing the entire physical body? Harvey Bigelsen explains his theories.
Ancient History of Astrology
Open Minds
What is the the untold ancient history of astrology?
Angels of Atlantis
Open Minds
Bearing various guises and names, advanced beings have walked among us.