Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Wellbeing with Microbes with Compton Rom
Open Minds
Compton Rom reveals the profound healing available to us deep within the body’s microbiomes. He offers tips on finding the right kind of foods for creating and maintaining healthy states and a taste of the future of our wellbeing.
Parallel Realities of Potential
Open Minds
How can the power of visualization reshape our physical reality? Author Jon Gabriel shares his journey of weight loss and transformation. Formerly a stock-broker who was over 400 pounds, Gabriel shifted his entire potential to a parallel existence.
Healing in the Quantum Field of Potentials with Joe Dispenza
Open Minds
There is a mounting body of evidence indicating that our beliefs directly affect the conditions of our lives. Dr Joe Dispenza explains how you can open the door to your subconscious mind and begin creating a new healthy template for your life.
Secret Societies
Open Minds
Uncover the hidden truths of secret societies.
Open Minds
How can you recharge your natural immunity when facing new viruses? Compton Rom explains how managing the health of our microbiome within our bodies can help our immune defense.
Gene Keys & Human Design
Open Minds
Richard Rudd delves into the origin of the 64 Gene Keys system as a language that expands upon Human Design. These tools help you understand who you are and why you are here. Discover how to unlock the secrets of your shadows, talents, and divine gifts.
Awakening Through Group ET Contact
Open Minds
How can ET contact lead to a spiritual awakening beyond the dualistic nature of this three-dimensional reality? Laurie McDonald offers insight into what humanity can learn from ET encounters revealed through hypnotherapy regression work.
Hopi Prophecy & Transhumanism
Open Minds
An indigenous hieroglyph on a stone in Arizona shows two paths... revhumanism and transhumanism.
The Rise of Big Brother's Brother
Open Minds
David Icke explains how far governments are going to know everything about you.
Sacred Geometry & Empowered Action
Open Minds
How can Sacred Geometry help us create better alignments with our energetic bodies? Robert J. Gilbert, Ph.D., returns to Gaia to delve into Sacred Geometry and how it can aid us in acknowledging and shifting patterns in our lives.
Life as a Soviet Spy with Jack Barsky
Open Minds
After gaining the skills he needed to become a top spy with the KGB, Jack Barsky is assigned to infiltrate the US. In part two of the interview, we follow the steps he took to arrive in the U.S. and start the process of posing as an American citizen.
The Collective Dark Night of the Soul
Open Minds
What do we all need to learn from the dark night of the soul? Mystic and religious scholar Andrew Harvey shares the larger-than-life lessons we can all learn from painful and difficult times, both collectively and as individuals.
Multidimensional Jesus of the Stars
Open Minds
How do astrology, black magic, and ETs relate to the story of Jesus? Author and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow shares details from her trilogy of fiction books and how she weaves in facts relating to mysteries of history.
Questioning Biblical Authority
Open Minds
How has Biblical interpretation manipulated or empowered our consciousness?
Shamanic Manifestation with Jan Engels-Smith
Open Minds
Is it possible to shift your reality with shamanic manifestation? Jan Engels-Smith, a shamanic practitioner with a background in psychotherapy, has led many of her clients on journeys of discovery that have resulted in healing both mind and body.
Micronutrients That Heal
Open Minds
Explore natural healing of micronutritents from botanicals, minerals and herbs.
Emergence of the New Human Part II
Open Minds
Techniques for reaching a new level of consciousness in part 2 of this interview.
Elongated Skulls Along British Ley Lines with Maria Wheatley
Open Minds
Following her finely honed dowsing skills, Maria Wheatley stumbled upon a discovery which implies that an advanced culture once lived alongside burgeoning human tribes in ancient Britain. This is evidenced by the elongated skulls found at sites built along powerful ley lines.