Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

A Soul's Journey Through Life, Death and Rebirth with Lee Harris
Open Minds
Lee Harris returns to channel the Zs who elucidate upon moments of birth and death from the experience of the soul. While we may have been seeking a universal answer to these mysteries, the Zs reveal that the process of incarnation is unique to every soul.
Healing the Sacred Masculine & Feminine
Open Minds
How can trauma be a catalyst of discovery to heal and balance the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine? Author Sophie Strand discusses her spiritual journey and connection to nature.
Earthships for True Freedom with Michael Reynolds
Open Minds
Old tires, beer cans and bottles may seem like garbage, but they may be the most resilient and sustainable building material readily available. For over 40 years, Michael Reynolds has been taking the things we throw away and turning them into structural works of art known as Earthships.
Alchemy for Soul Ascension with Theresa Bullard
Open Minds
Theresa Bullard explains how we can use the seven processes of Alchemy and universal Kabbalah to work in participation with the universe, accelerating our spiritual evolutionary process. This is about grounding these ideas in the body and raising it to a higher state, in unison with the soul.
Sardinia and the Sacred Feminine
Open Minds
Can the Book of Enoch unlock the secrets of the fall of Atlantis and the giants of Sardinia? In our final segment of our three-part investigation, Freddy Silva, Paola Harris, and Regina Meredith explore an ancient monument dedicated to the sacred feminine.
Microbiome: Gut Happiness
Open Minds
Healing your digestion begins with supporting the microbiome within your gut. Grace Liu, author of the book "Seven Steps to Heal SIBO", explains how taking steps to enhance the microbiome with probiotic supplementation can balance our digestive microbiome.
Enneagram & Relationships
Open Minds
How can the Enneagram model help us to understand and improve our relationships with others? Clinical psychologist Frank DeLuca, Ph.D., explores his research and recent book – A Field Guide to Humans: Enriching Relationships Through the Enneagram.
Open Minds
Researcher Matthew LaCroix joins Regina Meredith for an in-depth discussion on the looting of historical artifacts from the cradle of civilization, lost secrets of Mesopotamia, cuneiform tablets of Sumer, and the connections between cultures of centuries past.
Hacking the Financial Matrix
Open Minds
Billy Carson provides a framework to understand the observable science of manifestation within the 3D matrix and financial systems.
Beyond the Autism Spectrum
Open Minds
How do we reach beyond the confines of the autistic spectrum to understand what individuals are experiencing on a multidimensional level? Integration specialist Suzy Miller has been working with clients on the autistic spectrum for over 20 years.
Genetic Blueprints Across Lifetimes
Open Minds
Could our personalities from past lives try to rectify their experiences in our current lives? Exploring timelines, consciousness, genetic blueprints, and quantum awareness, author Joseph Selbie dives deep into the nature of being.
Out of Body Experiences with Luis Minero
Open Minds
Learning to be free from the confines of the physical reality may be the most important step we can take in our spiritual evolution. Luis Minero shares how we can explore the subtle realms of existence through out of body experiences.
Open Minds
Dr. Edward Group, DC, discusses the body’s self-healing mechanisms that are activated when we engage in different types of fasting, including Ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, and the water-only fast.
Egregores: Collective Beings of Control with Mark Stavish
Open Minds
Many of the unseen beings manipulating the minds of humanity are a direct product of our own creation. Mark Stavish calls these beings egregores and explains that they are a type of thought-form that is created by our collective social beliefs.
Entering the Dimension of Magic
Open Minds
What would happen if enough of us have the courage to become our true selves and release the subconscious programming of civilization? Linguistics expert Raymond Tarpey returns to Open Minds to discuss the ancient Mayan prophecy about the final establishment of peace and justice.
The Truth About 9/11
Open Minds
A structural engineer discusses her findings on the Twin Towers' collapse.
Transcending the Biblical Narrative Part 2
Open Minds
What is our human place in the cosmos? Continuing their conversation from Part 1 of the interview, theologians Sean O'Laoire and Paul Wallis describe how humanity can spiritually evolve by recognizing the effects of human contact experiences with non-human entities.
John Dee: Renaissance Alchemist with Jason Louv
Open Minds
John Dee, advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, who dubbed him, “007,” lived in a time when magic and science were one, became a controversial occult figure. Jason Louv discusses the life of this renaissance alchemist who influenced many prominent scientists.