Change Your Perspective
1 Season . 6 Episodes TV-G

In this six-part series, you will be introduced to some of the yoga traditions’ best perspective-shifting practices. Join Kevin Courtney as he offers accessible tools to open up your frame of mind to the truth that is always available in the present moment.

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Change Your Perspective (Preview)

Our perspective defines how we experience ourselves and the world around us. This perspective is often deeply entrenched in cultural conditioning, and these constructed beliefs and ideas draw on our energy and attention constantly. However, we can learn to loosen the grip our perspective has over our reality.

In this six-part series, you will be introduced to some of the yoga traditions’ best perspective-shifting practices. Join Kevin Courtney as he offers accessible tools to open up your frame of mind to the truth that is always available in the present moment.

Teacher: Kevin Courtney
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
15 mins TV-G
Life is complex, but improving life doesn’t have to be. Learn a basic two-fold approach for cultivating a state of steadiness and ease. The approach is direct and simple: practice, and practice letting go.
12 mins TV-G
Contentment (santosha) starts with existing with what is, as joyful or uncomfortable as that may be. In this talk, learn how to accept whatever appears for you in the present movement and establish peace with whatever sensations or experiences are arising.
14 mins TV-G
Your senses have authority over your mood, memory, thoughts and sense of satisfaction. In this session, learn to track your sensory experience to gain access to core feelings and beliefs which are influencing behavior. As you awaken to these deep patterns and eventually clear the psyche, you naturally experience an inherent sense of wholeness and connection to the source of creative energy.
13 mins TV-G
In this session, learn a basic technique to slowly start reversing negative thought patterns and behaviors.
15 mins TV-PG
In this session, we will develop our ability to see greater depth within the people and experiences around us by bring our attention to the presence of universal consciousness.
15 mins TV-PG
The practices of yoga can help us to learn how to deal with death in a more powerful and honest way. In this session, learn how the breath - specifically the stillness that follows the exhale - can be a tool to awaken our awareness to the impermanence of life. This simple shift in awareness can offer you more strength in the face of inevitability.