Hypnotherapy for Self-Improvement
1 Season . 8 Episodes TV-G

In this self-improvement series you will find 7 guided audios to help you become the person you want to be.

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Hypnotherapy for Self-Improvement (Preview)

The journey of self-improvement is an ongoing process of constant learning. It gives you the opportunity to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and to work on them. In return you can grow as a person, improve your self-awareness and boost your confidence. In this self-improvement series you will find 7 audios to help you become the person you want to be.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapeutic technique that puts you into a deep state of relaxation, enabling access to the subconscious mind. Using the power of suggestion, the audio guided sessions in this series encourage a positive change to the way you think and feel.

Sophie Fox and Natasha Taylor are guided meditation experts and co-founders of House of Wellbeing. In 2005 they trained in London to be targeted guided meditation & hypnotherapists and have since been on a mission to help people have happy, healthy minds.

Please make sure you have listened to our introduction video at the start of this series to help understand how guided meditation and hypnotherapy works, and all the benefits it can bring.

Host: Natasha Taylor & Sophie Fox
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
3 mins TV-G
In this introduction to the Hypnotherapy for Stress & Anxiety audio meditations, instructor Sophie Fox shares some insights to help understand how guided meditation and hypnotherapy works and all the benefits it can bring.
23 mins TV-G
This audio hypnotherapy session will help you think confidently, talk confidently and act confidently.
22 mins TV-G
In this audio hypnotherapy session, we will help you to be good to yourself, achieve your goals and in turn bring yourself more self-confidence and happiness.
33 mins TV-G
This audio hypnotherapy session will help you to retrain your mind to let go of impatience, to remain calm and to release the tension and impatience that you may have been experiencing.
22 mins TV-G
This audio hypnotherapy session will help you put aside negative thoughts and feelings and help you to accept yourself for the unique individual that you are.
22 mins TV-G
This audio hypnotherapy session will help you to change your thinking patterns so that you are motivated and interested in being kind to others but most importantly to yourself.
33 mins TV-G
This audio hypnotherapy session will help you find a new self-confidence, be more assertive, feel more self assured and increase your self worth.
24 mins TV-G
In this audio hypnotherapy session we will help you acknowledge that there might be many things you’d change about yourself if you could, but the one thing that you are in control of and the one thing we want to start with is unconditional self love.