Injury, Inquiry and Insight
1 Season . 3 Episodes TV-G

Use this unique series with Clara to learn how to get creative with your practice, staying aware of how the poses feel and whether or not they serve your body.

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There comes a time in all of our lives when we develop a sensitivity or injure a part of our bodies. We usually feel disheartened or defeated, causing us to give up our asana practice altogether. In reality, this can be a wonderful time to learn and explore on your mat. This series was created through the insight Clara has received from her own injuries and the many years of working with students with injuries. Injuries and sensitivities can be a great gift, our body's reminder to pay attention, slow down and to let go of how we think the poses should look or feel like.

Use this unique series with Clara to learn how to get creative with your practice, staying aware of how the poses feel and whether or not they serve your body.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
1 hr 3 mins TV-G
Gently open your hips, side body, and legs to find comfort in the low back in this slow-paced hatha practice.
36 mins TV-G
A slow theraputic practice that opens the hamstrings and hips with a few ways to support you in bending your knees. Great for the later phases of knee healing.
45 mins TV-G
Rotator cuff issues are very common in vinyasa yoga practices, as we do so many chaturangas while moving quickly. This vinyasa-inspired practice is geared toward those of us working with a rotator cuff issue or those who would simply like to strengthen the muscles around the cuff.