The Journey of Remembering
Season 2 . 8 Episodes TV-PG

Could Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur, be lodged within the Earth's core, depleting its magnetic field? Join Matías as he connects with the wise Merlins and leads a group of initiates along the sacred path of stone circles through Great Britain's chakra system.

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The Journey of Remembering (Preview)

In this latest season, could Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur, be lodged within the Earth's core, depleting its magnetic field?

Season 1: Begins with a transformative journey that unveiled Matías's early childhood and activated his past life memories of 12,000 years ago. He was then led by a guardian of the Salt Lake on an unexpectedly difficult and profound assignment.

In Season 2: Matías reflects on monumental events in Egypt 2022, where 3,000 people gathered at the Giza Plateau to close a 12,000-year cycle and awaken a new era. He recalls his expedition guided by a wise Merlin and revisits past explorations for further insights.

What begins as another initiatic voyage soon evolves into a crucial endeavor to mend the planet's magnetic field. By harnessing the power of feminine voices and aiding in releasing the planet’s embedded sword, Matías furthers his contribution to humanity’s collective evolution.

This extraordinary adventure uncovers the hidden wisdom of Great Britain's Chakra system, leading us through ancient Druid ceremonies, and culminating at the Ring of Brodgar, where Matías celebrates his 36th birthday with newfound clarity, invigorated purpose, and blossoming community.

Join Matías as he connects with the wise Merlins and leads a group of initiates along the sacred path of stone circles through Great Britain's chakra system. Season 2 promises an unforgettable journey marked by profound connections, exceptional challenges, invigorated purpose, and unshakeable revelations.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
20 mins TV-PG
At the intersection of his soul’s journey and a global awakening, 2022 was the start of a 12,000-year reset for Matías De Stefano.
26 mins TV-PG
Millions of years ago, a cataclysmic event broke the Earth’s heart. The time has come to heal that ancient wound.
28 mins TV-PG
Matías De Stefano's journey continues to the UK, exploring stone circles and sacred sites infused with powerful feminine energies. Initiates tread a path where poison transforms into medicine, embarking on a mission to restore the Earth's magnetic field.
20 mins TV-PG
The journey through the UK continues with Matías De Stefano leading the group to Stonehenge. Not only is Stonehenge revered as the most significant of all the stone circles, but it also symbolizes the root chakra, serving as a gateway to discovering the "first wound".
20 mins TV-PG
As the pilgrimage continues through the plexus of Great Britain, Matías De Stefano illuminates the power of detachment and balancing the feminine ego.
22 mins TV-PG
At Lake District, the group connects with the energy of Castlerigg, where the heart chakra acts as a machine that pulses time and space.
25 mins TV-PG
As the initiates journey into the eye of Loch Ness and the pineal gland, they unlock their inner vision and creative potential.
26 mins TV-PG
The group embarks on their final journey to the Ring of Brodgar (earth) with the ultimate goal of connecting the land with Asgard (the realm of the gods). Here, they receive the white light of enlightenment to bridge heaven and earth.