Moving Through the Layers of Life
1 Season . 2 Episodes TV-G

In this two-part series, Troy Hadeed shows you that the only way to make positive changes in your life is to acknowledge the things in your life that are stagnant or holding you back.

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Discovering Layers (Preview)

In this two-part series, Troy Hadeed shows you that the only way to make positive changes in your life is to acknowledge the things in your life that are stagnant or holding you back. In the first practice, Discovering Layers, Troy focuses on internal rotation of the body - encouraging you to really experience, not only each posture, but the space in between each posture. Understanding what that space holds for us, and being okay with it, can bring lightness to dark or negative places we are holding on to. Once we can see it, we can get rid of it! In episode two, Shedding Layers, Troy brings the focus to external rotation of the body. Time to let go of the things in our lives that no longer serve us and open that space for growth, inspiration, and magic! Troy's vinyasa style of teaching builds the sequences layer by layer. Allowing the body to get to know the sequence so you can let go of what the pose should look like and feel what is happening in your body instead.

Are you ready to find out what life has in store for you? Troy is ready to guide you on that path!

Teacher: Troy Hadeed
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
48 mins TV-G
Find a slow rhythm repeating layers of poses, moving through a thoughtful series of internally-rotated poses. Shed layers that no longer serve you to discover what’s underneath.
44 mins TV-G
A grounding layered practice that moves through variations of strong standing postures to bring a new understanding and relationship to each pose through repetition. Begin with grounded twists and hip openers. Move into variations of warrior poses that build toward ardha chandrasana (half moon). Shed the layers that do not serve to leave room for growth and abundance.