The Power of Choice
1 Season . 3 Episodes TV-G

Join Nico Luce in this three-part series and create the life you want by applying ancient wisdom in a new way. These three strong vinyasa practices strengthen the body and remind us of our power to choose our circumstances.

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Join Nico Luce in this three-part series and create the life you want by applying ancient wisdom in a new way. We cannot always control the circumstances of our lives, but we can choose how we respond to them. Nico explores three choices we have in any experience presented by life; accept the situation, make a change, or walk away. These three strong vinyasa practices strengthen the body and remind us of our power to choose our circumstances. Nico ties these insights to Hindu Trimurti philosophy, a practical guide that uses the language of images to understand the stages of cosmic manifestation.

Teacher: Nico Luce
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
43 mins TV-G
Apply ancient yogic wisdom around the concept of acceptance in a new way as you rhythmically flow through expansive and strengthening sequences. We cannot always control life's circumstances, but we can choose how to respond to them.
36 mins TV-G
Nico Luce takes us on a journey with the aim to change the things in our lives that we cannot, and do not want to, accept. A deep, strong, and stable backbending practice, part-two of our Power of Choice series ties vinyasa yoga and the hindu god Vishnu, to our personal power to make optimal choices.
44 mins TV-G
This practice is a moving dharma talk about letting go, infused with a core focused vinyasa sequence. Nico’s creative flow, deep wisdom, and soothing voice serve as a calm reminder that we have the power to choose our reality.