Nico Luce

Nico Luce

Nico offers practices with a sense of humor and levity infused with his experiences as a long-time world traveler and global citizen. Nico is certified to teach vinyasa, restorative, yin, and ashtanga yoga styles, as well as meditation and Pilates. Practitioners can expect physically and spiritually challenging vinyasa practices and sweet slow practices infused with the deep wisdom of yogic philosophy. Nico fell in love with the way yoga aligns the mind, body, and soul and began teaching yoga for the joy of it. Now, he teaches with a focus on embodying spirit. Nico finds joy in the simple pleasures from his current home of Switzerland - the sweetness in being physically exhausted, snacking on toast with peanut butter and jam, and the power of a good night’s rest. Discover more about Nico:

59 classes found

Nico Luce
The shoulder girdle is a complex body part composed of 4 joints that allow the arms plenty of mobility in every direction. This practice strengthens and stabilizes the shoulders through repetitive movements and precise holds. Add this to your routine to keep your shoulders happy in yoga for many years!
Nico Luce
Release your quads with slow and sometimes intense poses. Stretch the hip flexors, find deep knee flexion, and relax the muscles on the front of the thigh.
Nico Luce
Lengthen and release your hamstrings by finding a small tolerance for discomfort. Stabilize the back line of the body through standing forward folds and reclined stretches.
Nico Luce
Warm up the muscles surrounding your knee joints so you can ride comfortably and safely. Use this practice before hopping on the bike to prepare your body or on rest days to gain more awareness of your body mechanics.
Nico Luce
Balance the three curves in your spine to promote healthy posture. Practice lengthening your spine upward with core strengthening, standing poses, and handstands in the middle of the room.
Nico Luce
A well-balanced flow that is both delicious and nutritious. Begin with some fluid movements spiced with precision and detail, then move into hips and twists with a side of fiery crow, just in time for savasana.
Nico Luce
Challenge yourself outside your comfort zone to get stronger and more resilient. Build strength in the midsection of your body and stabilize your spine. All you need is determination, concentration, and a desire to play with something new.
Nico Luce
Observe sensations and gently release tension that may live in your neck. Move through gentle full-body poses to help soften and relieve the neck.
Nico Luce
Set your internal compass with clear intentions and start the day with this well-rounded, steady-paced practice. Start with kapalabhati breath, then move into the hips, shoulders, and spine with focused awareness for what you want to draw into your life.
Nico Luce
Get to the edge and take flight! Test your boundaries with arm balances, working towards koundinyasana B. Begin with a wrist and shoulder warm up, then flow as you build into longer holds of standing and balancing poses.
Nico Luce
Stretch out your hips, hamstrings, and shoulders to prepare for fun variations on poses. Try out binds, balancing, and flying with arm balance play. Take the options that work for you today and return to this practice later to see how your practice has evolved.
Nico Luce
A powerful practice with a non-linear flow to keep your mind present and challenge your body. Move through a full mandala flow to work toward the edges of your practices while playing with arm balances.
Nico Luce
Use concepts of loving kindness and compassion as a container for this practice. Explore long-held poses to open your shoulders and upper back with the intention of reducing suffering in the world.
Nico Luce
This back-bending practice strengthens the back, opens the front, and prepares the body for camel pose. The chest is the center of our emotional self and making space in that area is a metaphor for having the courage to face the challenges of daily life with openness and sensitivity.
Nico Luce
A gentle yin practice focused on backbends to invite openness and to welcome whatever shows up. Move through long holds to create space in the front of the body.
Nico Luce
Retreat inward to the backstage of your mind - where there is no role to play - and allow yourself to simply feel. Move from one yin pose to the next in an effortless way and balance energy with nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breath).
Nico Luce
Build well-rounded upper body strength and shoulder stability through this flow full of arm balances. Set aside past experiences with these challenging poses and invite a sense of play into your yoga education and practice. Begin with strengthening in preparation for arm balance variations, then close the practice with slow restorative-style poses and a long savasana.
Nico Luce
In this practice, find longer, soothing holds of several postures to flush out tension in the hips and release the lower back.