Seven Spiritual Supermoon Rituals
The widely-used term supermoon came from astrologist, Richard Noelle, over 30 years ago. In the scientific community, it’s also called a perigee moon. What this means is that the distance in the moon’s orbit when it passes to Earth is at its closest point, bringing the moon about 50,000 km closer than at apogee, when the moon passes furthest from Earth. Visually, the moon looks approximately 20 percent larger and will have a strong effect on tides.
On the spiritual side, a full moon is held to be a powerful time for meditation, energy healing and recharging human energy field and chakras. Rituals and ceremonies taking place during full moons are a time-honored tradition, tracing back to many ancient cultures. It’s thought that the full moon shines down so much pure energy, anything it touches is imbued with incredible radiance and love. Thereby, it stands to reason that the supermoon effect amplifies that power and makes it even stronger.
Energy healing during this potent time can bring about mind-blowing results. The unbeatable illumination the supermoon provides is not only physical, but on the soul level as well. Lighting up corners of the subconscious and giving those who access it insights into their emotions, their souls and their paths, insures you’ll
definitely want to take advantage of the last supermoon of the year by trying these seven rituals:
1. Write Down Your Dreams
According to astrology, this full moon is highly associated with Pisces, a very dreamy sign. Therefore, you might have an increased amount or more vivid dreams than usual, and they might be important visions, prophecies or revelations of goals to chase. Jot them down as soon as you wake up in order to preserve them, as they will be significant to you later even if they aren’t now.
You don’t even have to be asleep for them to be significant. Also write your daydreams down and notice how they make you feel. You may discover a newly-inspired desire, or you may finally discover your soul’s mission.
2. Try a Manifesting Ritual
According to many spiritual leaders, this is the greatest use of the supermoon because of the great abundance it signifies, whether it’s love, wisdom, luck, happiness, or whatever else you’re seeking. To access the abundance, you’ll need to clear out what isn’t serving you right now, which is where this small ritual comes in handy.
Try doing this tonight: write down everything that you are ready to release. Hold the paper up in the air and say a little prayer to whomever it is that you speak to—the Divine, the Universe, a spirit guide: whatever higher powers you decide to address. Ask for assistance in releasing these things that no longer serve you. Be thankful for the lessons and gifts that these experiences brought about, then release and burn the paper.
Next, write down everything it is that you want to call info your life. Hold it close to your heart and envision this as if it has already happened. Again, say a little prayer to whichever higher power you choose, asking them to assist you. Store the paper in a safe, sacred place, and revisit it every couple of weeks to be amazed by the things that come in.
3. Charging Your Crystals
Charging crystals is easy. Simply, gather up your crystals and gemstones; the power of the supermoon light is something you don’t want them to miss! All you need to do is place your stone collection outside or in the moonlight inside overnight after telling them that they will absorb the energy of the supermoon. Bring them back inside or out of the lighted area just before dawn.
4. Moonbathing
The supermoon light is cleansing to your mind, body, and spirit so spending time under its vibrant white glow is like a soothing bath sans water.
All you need to do is take a walk under the moon (though yes, preferably with some of your skin bared to the light). It is also suggested to gaze up at the brilliance of the moon for as long as you can, basking in its energy and love. Consider what you feel in your body and in your chakras and what messages the moon might be lighting up inside of you. This moon bath, steeping your body and spirit in purifying light, should wash away the negativity and leaving you fresh and renewed.
You can also take your moon bathing to the next level by making it an all-night event. If it’s warm enough, take a sleeping bag or blanket and set it up under the canopy of sparkling stars and the glowing full moon. Take time to just bask in the light; you can meditate or pray, but just be sure to let the peace and beauty of the moon soak into your body and soul while you sleep. You’ll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.
5. Bless Others with Healing White Light
What color is the moonlight? White, of course, and without cover it will be bathing everything tonight!
White light is spiritual energy that’s usable by anyone, not just psychics, mediums, and so on. It’s yours, just for asking, and you can use it in your loved ones’ lives in powerful ways. If you have friends or family members that are hurting, ask for them to be surrounded them in white light that brings healing energy. You can also ask for white light to surround those who we may not obviously know are struggling, carrying secret and quiet pain.
6. Connect with Your Spirit Guides
You can commune with your guides whenever you want, of course, but there’s something extra special about the supermoon that seems to open our hearts and minds up a little bit more. Maybe it’s just the general aura of awe and wonder at the beauty of the moon! It’s the spiritual process that counts, so why not use this time to ask for help and guidance along the way?
7. Heal Your Emotions
In this time of the lunar transit moving through Pisces, emotions are a big deal, as astrology tells us the sign of the fish is known for its sensitivity, compassion and fluid emotions. Just like the ebb and flow of the tides that are so closely associated with the moon (and even more strongly, the supermoon), this water sign experiences a wide range of feelings—both in depth and frequency.
Since emotions are so easily accessible during this time, it’s a perfect opportunity to acknowledge and release them. This will help clear your chakras and allow for the healing energy of the full moon to work its magic. You can do this by journaling, which is powerful in being able to express your inner truths and feelings.
This is also a good time to sweep out negative emotions. The supermoon light can be so strong, it is hard for darkness to stand up in the face of its glory. The moon illuminates any negative emotions stored in your chakras or your body and reflects that knowledge back to you, so that you can begin the process of clearing those blockages through meditation, healing courses, or other means. Write all of these things down, and hold them for future practice.
Who is Sophia in Gnosticism? Goddess of the Divine Feminine
Sophia, the embodiment of divine wisdom in Gnostic tradition, graces us with a profound understanding of the feminine aspect of the cosmos. Gnosticism—interwoven with early Christianity and enriched by Hellenistic philosophy—is more than a religion; it is a journey toward self-realization and communion with a deeper reality. This sacred knowledge, known as Gnosis (from the Greek “to know”), was lovingly passed down through myths found in Gnostic texts such as those discovered in the Nag Hammadi library.
The Myth of Sophia: The Divine Feminine
Let us immerse ourselves in the enchanting myth of Sophia, whose story illuminates the depths of divine wisdom and the sacred feminine.
Sophia’s Origin in the Pleroma
In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is the radiant feminine personification of divine wisdom and the youngest of the Aeons—emanations of the ultimate reality known as the Monad or Pleroma. Dwelling in the spiritual fullness of the Pleroma, Sophia is intimately connected with the unknowable Father’s brilliance, born of the twin powers of Depth and Silence.
The Descent and Creation of the Material World
Compelled by an intense yearning to know the Father’s essence, Sophia emanates without her consort, creating a disturbance that leads to her descent from the Pleroma. In her fall, she becomes entwined in the material world, inadvertently giving birth to the Demiurge, often called Yaldabaoth. This ignorant and arrogant entity fashions the material universe, unaware of the spiritual realms above. In certain Gnostic scriptures like the Apocryphon of John, the Demiurge is equated with the God of the Old Testament.
Sophia’s descent introduces imperfection, suffering, and ignorance into existence, as the material world is shaped through her unintended actions.