Your Soul’s Sense of Touch: Are You Coming to Your Senses?

This is the final installment in our series of articles on your soul’s perspective of the five physical senses. We hope this series has stimulated your thoughts, and that you are now recognizing the sensations at your disposal for greater awareness and expansion.
This final article in this series will deal with touch. We feel that the sensation of touch is one of the most important senses that most human beings are overlooking and not taking advantage of in this realm.
The touch sense is merely recognizing whether you physically can or have to touch something in order to believe it is real, or whether you can feel the energy coming off of something and know it is there.
Here is a perfect example: you turn on a burner on an electric stove or hotplate, and without seeing the glowing red or orange light, you can feel the energy coming off of the burner and you recognize that it is hot. You can’t see it but you can FEEL it.
Sensing Energy
We know that some of you can sense the energy in a room or in your surroundings. This sensation is your Soul’s perspective of those energies. Blind people (who have decided to have that experience this time around) have become very in tune with the touch sensation. When people are missing a physical sense, what happens is that your soul’s senses start taking over or dominating your experience.
Most people don’t realize you have both a physical and an emotional experience at your disposal when you are having a human experience. When the physical sense dissipates, the soul’s perspective starts to take over. Think about the expression “to be in touch with yourself” or “to be in touch with your soul.” Where do you think these expressions come from?
And let’s not leave out the attraction sensation. There are laws that govern attraction, which you set up as a Light Being. These laws govern who and/or what you attract to yourself.
So, do you physically have to touch someone or something to actually feel it?
Can you touch someone’s essence so to speak?
Can you recognize energies that your soul is craving?
Everything that is drawn from an emotional experience is the sensory system in alignment with your soul.
What It Means to Know Something
This is what it is to know something. It is the emotional experience that is steadfast, that you cannot be talked out of. It doesn’t matter what sits before you in the form of “proof” or “facts” based upon the physical. You are having the experience of something and no one else can negate that experience; they are just not aware of it.
These experiences keep you searching, looking for an explanation. Light Beings, which we all are, have put these inner workings inside our embodiments to draw us away from the physical experience — to remind us of who we really are. Mostly the distraction of this realm keeps that hidden. So we say…
Go inward! Search inside for the answers that lie within; begin to recognize your soul’s perspective to the Senses. Stop ignoring the truth! That is what ignorance really is: merely you ignoring the truths that are out there.
More Profound Than the Physical
The truth is that all experience that is in alignment with your soul is far more profound, far more definitive, far more expandable than anything that happens to your physical embodiment. There is nothing in the physical that compares to the soul’s experience. Nothing physical is taken with you when you leave this experience. Nothing!
Think of an energy worker who doesn’t physically touch another embodiment (hands to body), but can scale that other body and pick up on injured places or chronic conditions. The awareness hits them so strongly that they have sensations that shake them to the core of their being. This goes far beyond the mere touching of skin, which at best just feels warm or cold. It is the vibration that hits them. It is such a deep sensation they could never deny the experience of having that sensation. It is an emotional experience, not physical.
That is the connection we are talking about, the deeper connection of energy which is your soul. Any time you attach an emotional experience to anything, you are bringing into your soul’s perspective rather than the physical aspect or perspective. That is utilizing everything that is available to yourself on this realm.
That is mastering this realm.
Your Thoughts Are Also Your Touch
The power of your thoughts can also stimulate a touch experience. How many of you have found yourself deep in a dream state, and simply through your dreams you find yourself “feeling” something in your dreams? Or with your fantasy mind you can create a physical reaction to the thought of being touched? These experiences are extremely intense through your emotions. They are, in fact, far more intense than when you are in your awakened state and are distracted by the illusion.
The illusion going on around you takes you away from the soul’s experience. When you are taken away from the illusion, your thought focus becomes internal rather than external.
There are humans who, through an unconscious desire to activate or come into alignment with their soul, will do things to their bodies that are extreme. They cause pain and suffering to themselves because it will stimulate an emotion. Usually because their emotions are dead! What are they doing? They are trying to align themselves with some soul that is inside of them because somewhere in the subconscious mind they know that the soul is emotion.
They cut themselves off from all other emotions because they haven’t been allowed to express them or experience them. The soul is crying out to them, trying to tell them that the healing truly lies within — in your emotional state. These people equate pain as the emotional state, as calmness — that being in or experiencing pain is the only way to experience one’s emotions. That is the confusion of the physical versus the emotional.
We hope we have stimulated you into recognizing or seeing things differently now. Remember, it is the emotional experience that changes you; you remember it because you felt it. Fleeting experiences are physical. They can easily go away and you don’t remember them. Emotional experiences are the ones you always remember. They change your life, and they change your existence.
We thank you for being part of this series.
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Turquoise: A Healing Master Stone of the Ancients

Highly regarded for millennia, turquoise has been treasured as a divine gift that fell from heaven, reflecting the color of the sky in some traditions, and water in others. Empires rose and fell around turquoise, an invaluable gem said to emanate powerful vibrations, capable of uplifting mind, body, and spirit, connecting humankind with the great unknown.
Something about its color sings to the human heart. It was the mesmerizing hue of turquoise, seen in a mystic vision adorning a roof of a three-storey monastery, that led a team of monks to locate the beloved 14th Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of his venerable predecessor.
A Gift From Heaven
An Arabic proverb tells us, “A turquoise given by a loving hand carries with it happiness and good fortune.”
The stone’s metaphorical significance has often overshadowed its material worth. Native Americans, Tibetans, Persians, and other ancient cultures regarded turquoise as a gem uniting heaven and earth. Apache legend says that at the end of rainbows, one will find turquoise embedded firmly in the earth. Many societies that cherish and trade the gem believe it is imbued with protective properties. Naturally then, turquoise artifacts have often been in the forms of talismans, amulets, and ceremonial tools.
For centuries, the Tibetan people have regarded turquoise as sentient. And it was the Tibetans who discovered that the porous properties of the stone absorbs bodily oils and fluids so that its color becomes an extension the one who holds it close to her body. Thus, a change in the gem’s color could indicate the health status of its owner. And if a lover were to gift his partner with turquoise, it was said that the stone’s hue would remain as long as the love between them.