Light Beings and Spirit Energy: How You Created the Universe

In some spiritual practices, “being the light” signifies offering hope, kindness, compassion, and encouragement to others in times of darkness. It also involves recognizing and celebrating the beauty and goodness in the world around us. Such acts of illumination are aspects of what many consider to be light beings—entities or energies that embody the purest forms of light and spiritual energy. This guide explores the concept of light beings and their significant role in shaping our universe and personal experiences.
What Is a Light Being?
Light beings are considered the ethereal architects of all creation, infusing their essence into every matter, which binds and energizes existence itself. This essence is known as spirit energy, pervasive in everything from the most grandiose celestial bodies to the simplest earthly elements.
Types of Light Beings:
- A Collective Consciousness: Often, light beings are viewed as a collective consciousness, a unification of energies that transcends individual existence. This collective operates at a high vibrational frequency, guiding and influencing the evolutionary paths of less developed consciousnesses across the cosmos.
- A Lightworker: Lightworkers are individuals among humans who awaken to their purpose of spreading light. They actively work towards raising their vibrations and those of others to foster love, harmony, and peace on Earth.
- A Luminous Being: Typically, a luminous being is seen as an advanced spiritual entity that has transcended the physical realms. These beings are pure energy, often perceived as glowing or radiant, and are thought to exist primarily in spiritual dimensions.
How to Become a Light Being?
Becoming a light being involves elevating one’s spiritual vibration through various practices such as meditation, mindfulness, self-reflection, and acts of kindness. Engaging in activities that align with higher spiritual frequencies—such as healing, teaching, or creating art with intention—can facilitate this transformation. It’s a journey of internal development that emphasizes connection to the universal source and all living beings.
Are Humans Light Beings?
While all humans possess the potential to become light beings, the transition involves a conscious choice and effort to evolve spiritually. Humans become light beings in the truest sense when they achieve a level of spiritual awareness and purity that allows them to transcend their physical limitations and fully embody their divine essence.
What are the Characteristics of a Light Being?
Light beings are marked by several distinct traits:
- Empathy and Compassion: They possess a profound capacity for empathy, often feeling deeply connected to all forms of life.
- High Vibrational Frequency: Light beings resonate at high frequencies, which manifest as a presence or aura filled with peace and positivity.
- Wisdom and Understanding: They hold immense knowledge and understanding of the universe’s workings, often providing guidance to others.
- Non-Attachment: True light beings are not bound by material desires or ego-driven goals. They operate on a plane of selflessness and service.
- Spiritual Abilities: Many light beings can manifest spiritual abilities like healing, telepathy, or clairvoyance, used for the greater good.
By fostering these characteristics and intentions within ourselves, we align closer to becoming light beings, contributing to the collective energy that shapes the cosmos.
Instinct is a contemplated thought, and the thought process is the dividing line between what is and what isn’t soul material.
Spirit and Energy Frequency
The concept of spirit is universal, permeating every corner of existence. For example, take a lawn tractor. Most would assume it lacks spirit, yet it is filled with spirit energy. It is composed of materials from Earth, and all matter inherently contains spirit—though not necessarily a soul.
A lawn tractor has a very low energy frequency due to its dense physical form. Nevertheless, it contains spirit energy that transcends time and existence. This residual energy allows humanoids to have experiences like out-of-body or time-traveling encounters, where they might recognize people or places from different times due to the spirit energy left behind.
Spirit energy has a different molecular structure — it is the spirit energy that holds all matter and energy together, and it has been infused with life to continually progress and change itself.
Atmospheric Creations
Think about the organic matter that exists here on this plane. It works perfectly with the atmospheric conditions that exist here; the synchronicity that was developed by light beings is incredible! Light beings designed it so that everything would progress in a perfect marriage with all of the other energy that progresses here. In its evolutionary process its alignment coincides with the solar system, the alignment of the planets, the stars, the energy vortexes — everything that exists!
It all progresses according to the atmospheric conditions of the galaxies in the universe. Because everything changes, they all work beautifully together. That is until man alters it artificially! Then it has to fight to get back into the balance or the rhythm of its original creative process. All energy sends out a request for that balance to take place. That’s where the conflict comes into play with the humanoids destroying their environment.
The Illusion of Conflict
Isn’t it amazing that everything relies upon the balance of everything else to exist within this universe? It’s amazing not just because of the simplicity of it all, but the fact that humanoids are so good at screwing everything up because of the illusion! The illusion creates fear, and thus the conflict that exists. Humanoids have inner emotional conflict within themselves because, at the core of their soul, their soul remembers who they are and that they are Source.
Human beings have amassed artificial (false) information about their separateness. They’ve given in to religious, governmental, and societal teachings. All of these are teaching you that you are a wretched creature, a sinner, you are separate from God, you are less than God, and you have to work your way back or you will be punished. That fear-based illusion has been believed by humans for so long!
We Are All ‘I Am’
Deep within us all is the knowledge of the “I Am”—a statement of our divine nature. This inner truth reminds us that the teachings of separation are incorrect and that we should not succumb to these illusions.
You know who you are, you know that you are Source, and you cannot deny in the totality of all things your being-ness. It is only when you are in the illusionary plane of demonstration that you forget that!
By reconnecting with our inner knowing, we gradually improve our understanding and move closer to our true selves. This journey of enlightenment and healing—our soul’s awakening to the realization of who we are and our connection to the Source—can be swift or span many lifetimes.
Once we acknowledge this connection, nothing can impede our spiritual progress unless we allow it. Our spirit rejoices in this awakening, eager to embark on new experiences and a deeper understanding of our existence.
Recognizing and Becoming a Lightworker
As we explore our potential to become light beings or lightworkers, we engage in practices that elevate our energy frequencies, aligning us closer to our higher selves. Through meditation, mindfulness, and dedication to serving the greater good, we transform, empowering ourselves and those around us.
Interested in discovering more about your connection to light beings? Watch the documentary I Am for scientific and spiritual insights into our interconnectedness and the power of the collective consciousness.
The Rainbow Body Phenomenon in Tibetan Buddhism

The Old and New Testaments of the Bible, as well as ancient Greek and Egyptian texts, include stories of those who defied death through forms of ascension, from Jesus Christ’s resurrection to Heracles’s ascent to Mount Olympus to the god of the afterlife, Osiris. However, the most compelling tales of transcendence are found in the accounts of the Tibetan Buddhist rainbow body tradition.
While ascension stories are from the distant past, i.e., Enoch and Lazarus (Old Testament), it is debated whether they are fact or myth; examples of rainbow body events from this century are documented and available. Some believe that ascension and attainment of the rainbow body are the same thing. Still, arguably, there are differences—the Tibetan Buddhist rainbow body is the result of years of specific, disciplined practice with a motive of profound compassion for all beings.
In Tibet and Central Asia, the Buddhist rainbow body tradition goes back to the 8th century, beginning with the great master Padmasambhava, but 20th and 21st-century documentation shows that this is no myth or legend—practitioners, from the highest lamas to the most humble laypeople, have attained rainbow body.