Emery Smith

Emery Smith

In 1990, Emery Smith entered active duty with the USAF, stationed in Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. This opened the doors for training as a surgical technologist and surgical first assist, working under numerous specialized surgeons around the world. Due to the varying surgical experience and intense knowledge of biologics and genetics he gathered during this time, he was offered a "moon lighting" job at both Sandia National Laboratory facilities and Los Alamos National Laboratory facilities to work on tissue samples of various origins. Emery's experience working for the military, compartmentalized contract corporations, their hospitals and their laboratories became the foundation of knowledge and experience to form his own medical and biotechnology companies. He now comes forward to openly talks about his experiences working at these facilities, for the first time in 25 years.

42 videos found

Salvaging Ancient Alien Tech
Cosmic Disclosure
Our solar system is awash with space junk and major corporations vie for their share of the spoils. Emery Smith gives us the inside scoop on who is running interplanetary salvaging programs and what they gain from the strange things that they find.
The Perils of Portal Missions
Cosmic Disclosure
During his time within the secret programs, Emery Smith was sent on missions to distant worlds, through interplanetary portals. Despite months of planning and training with a qualified team, things do not always go as expected and accidents happen.
UFO Panel: Extraterrestrial Influences in Human Evolution
Conscious Life Expo Panels 2019
A panel discussion of the foremost researchers in the fields of cutting-edge science, the power of consciousness, UFO investigation, back-engineering and suppressed technologies.
George Noory Forum: Cosmic Questions
Conscious Life Expo Panels 2019
Join host George Noory and celebrated panelists as they stand at the podium of truth, asked provocative questions, and give us their best, unscripted answers.
Secret Testing Programs with Emery Smith
Beyond Belief
Cosmic Disclosure’s insider, Emery Smith shares many of his strange experiences from his time working for secret testing programs.
Medical Devices of the Future
Cosmic Disclosure
The next medical revolution just may be coming to your smart devices, and sooner than you think. Insider Emery Smith describes some of the advances in medical technology, he was exposed to, that will soon be made available to the public.