Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Human Design and the Book of Destiny with Chetan Parkyn & Carola Eastwood
Open Minds
Following-up on his work with Human Design, Chetan Parkyn returns with Carola Eastwood, to explain how you can uncover the theme of your life and tread upon the path you were always meant to take, using the Book of Destiny.
Taking Your Place in the Universe with Steven Ross
Open Minds
A time is coming where you may feel the calling to take your place in the universe and accept your spiritual gifts.
Breaking Archontic Control with David Icke
Open Minds
David Icke calls us to question the nature of the reality that we are living in, so that we can see the machinations manipulating our minds into lower states. Breaking free from this archontic control enables us to tap into a reality beyond these projected paradigms.
Atlantis Will Rise with Raymond Tarpey
Open Minds
Raymond Tarpey reveals the Mayan perspective for our times: the challenges, dangers and incredible opportunities we are facing. He explains that each of us has a unique responsibility as we are all charged with becoming a shaman.
Paranormal Encounters With Shadow People
Open Minds
Who are the shadow people that we may see in dark corners? Do these appearances point to our contact with other dimensions? Researcher Mike Ricksecker discusses these phenomena.
Interplanetary Soul Origins
Open Minds
Where do our souls come from? Regression therapist Linda Backman shares her insights on soul origins and why we are all incarnating on Earth during this dynamic, challenging time.
Open Minds
Billy Carson shares his story of perseverance through the toughest of times, to bring forbidden knowledge to the world.
Navigating Global Transformation with Lee Harris
Open Minds
As we try to navigate these turbulent times, many of us feel the pull to help others with their spiritual ascension work. Lee Harris returns with an important message from the Zs who offer tools for deftly navigating the global transformation that is upon us.
Metatron & a Christed Planet with Joan Walker
Open Minds
Joan Walker returns to channel Lord Metatron who tells us that if we do not like our lives, we have the ability to change it. To do this, we must learn to raise consciousness by improving the health and wellbeing of the body.
Manifesting High Energy Money with Cynthia Larson
Open Minds
Cynthia Larson reveals how we can use the observer affect, a concept from quantum physics, to manifest the money we need and want from the quantum sea of possibilities.
Teaching the Mysteries with Theresa Bullard
Open Minds
Theresa Bullard invites us into the events of her life that led to her earning a Ph.D. in physics, becoming an initiate in a modern mystery school lineage, and to teaching the mysteries.
Understanding Your Starseed Nature
Open Minds
Enhance overall health and wellbeing by understanding your unique star lineage. Debbie Solaris returns to share further details of her experience with human soul origins in star systems such as Arcturus, Andromeda, Lyra, the Pleiades, and Orion.
Angelic Guidance to Access Your Purpose with Belinda Womack
Open Minds
Belinda Womack comes forward with an important message from the angels and ascended masters concerning living your purpose and sharing your gifts with the world. To help guide us through these chaotic times, they offer ways that you can use to access your exceptional gifts.
Frequencies of Healing with Gail Lynn
Open Minds
The more we come to understand that we are beings of energy, the more important it becomes that we explore the healing potential of frequencies. Gail Lynn discusses how she uses sound and light waves to help her clients heal.
Dreaming Parallel Realities with Robert Moss
Open Minds
Have you ever travelled to another reality, or met an alternate version of yourself? As science comes to terms with the many worlds theory, Robert Moss has already identified a means of exploring parallel realities through dreaming.
4th Dimensional Reptilian Influence with Barbara Hand Clow
Open Minds
Barbara Hand Clow explains that our society has long been under the influence of reptilian beings in the fourth dimension, including the Annunaki, who seek to keep us separate and in a state of conflict. But we have the choice to rise above the influence.
Conscious Economics with Charles Eisenstein
Open Minds
Charles Eisenstein explains that the old agreements, which founded our current economy, no longer resonate with the consciousness emerging on Earth. He offers a vision of a future economy that works for all.
Open Minds
Michael Tellinger, author, scientist, explorer, has become a real-life Indiana Jones.