Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Egyptian Postures of Power with Jason Quitt
Open Minds
Could ancient Egyptian sculptures be depictions of a powerful energetic practice that can help you enhance your gifts and life force? Jason Quitt explains that certain positions can affect the body’s electromagnetic fields with specific intentions.
Finding Calm to Boost Immunity with Katrine Volynsky
Open Minds
Health advocate Katrine Volynsky discusses research on the connection between the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and boosting our immune response.
Open Minds
Jill Purce imparts many extraordinary functions of sound. She explains that these vibrations have the power to dissolve all boundaries and limitations between people, matter and spirit.
Open Minds
Does the Legacy of the Knights Templar still live on, today? Despite recorded history the Templars were not in pursuit of material wealth, rather they sought to establish an enduring kingdom of consciousness.
Balancing the Chaos
Open Minds
What is the current direction of humanity's evolution? Legendary channeler Lee Harris returns to Gaia to share profound and timely insights from his channeled guides, The Z’s.
Empowering Your Energy Field with Randy Veitenheimer
Open Minds
Randy Veitenheimer helps people to reclaim their own authenticity, which empowers the energy field surrounding a person, which bolsters one’s level of health and resilience against illness.
Psychosomatic Spiritual Healing with Shamini Jain
Open Minds
Shamini Jain brings to light Indo-Tibetan healing practices which mesh well with psychoneuroimmunology. She shares some fundamental life principles from Jainism and mind-body-spirit practices that can help you to begin bringing harmony between body and soul.
Dolores Cannon on ET’s and Human Evolution
Conscious Media Network
Dolores Cannon reveals the new messages coming through her thousands of hypnotherapy clients regarding the changes that are in motion for humanity, specifically, our evolution as a species.
Mechanics of Dreaming & Astral Travel
Open Minds
Where do we go in dream travel? Spiritual medium and channel Sheila Gillette shares insights on how to use travel during sleep and out-of-body-experience (OBE).
Pleiadians, Frequency Wars & Earth Ascension
Open Minds
Does humanity’s unique access to compassion have a healing ripple effect?
Divining Your Truth with Jean Slatter
Open Minds
With information and disinformation coming at us from so many sources, it is becoming very difficult to sort out the truth. Author Jean Slatter suggests that rather than worrying about absolute truth it is more important to seek out your own truth — the truth you need this moment in your life.
Akashic Enhancement of Psychic Abilities
Open Minds
How can we pull from the Akashic Records to enhance psychic abilities? Bonni McCliss is a psychic medium and Akashic Records reader sharing her personal journey.
Open Minds
Is it true that our DNA is being reactivated by codes held by places and artifacts?
Channeling Theo: Waves of Rapid Change
Open Minds
Acclaimed medium Sheila Gillette returns to channel the angelic collective known as THEO, shedding light on the profound shifts unfolding on our planet. Amidst the challenges of rapid metamorphosis, THEO's messages resonate with hope and empowerment.
The New Timeline of Humanity
Open Minds
What verified and validated evidence is rewriting history? Piece together the new story of humanity over the centuries with authors and researchers Billy Carson and Matthew LaCroix as they discuss their latest collaborative book, The Epic of Humanity.
Quantum Spirituality with Paul Levy
Open Minds
Quantum reality is more than theoretical, it is the basis of our entire existence. Paul Levy gives us his perspective of quantum physics as a spiritual path, explaining that we are dreaming ourselves, while the universe is dreaming us.
Open Minds
The metabolic approach to cancer is creating new paradigms of cancer therapies. Dr. Donese Worden discusses these discoveries which seek to understand the causes and effects of cancer, at the metabolic level.
The Sovereign Mind
Open Minds
Are we entitled to adult sovereignty of consciousness?