Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Floating Souls & Aligned Evolution
Open Minds
What is required of humanity to move into our next steps of balanced evolution? Channeler and author Lee Harris channels the Zs to offer their higher dimensional perspective on how humanity must release base emotions to transcend trials and tribulations.
A Vatican Exile on Reincarnation & Cosmology
Open Minds
How can a priest barred from the Vatican help us explore reincarnation? Licensed clinical psychologist, theologian, and priest Sean O'Laoire joins Open Minds to share his studies into the divine nature of the universe.
Open Minds
The metabolic approach to cancer is creating new paradigms of cancer therapies. Dr. Donese Worden discusses these discoveries which seek to understand the causes and effects of cancer, at the metabolic level.
Open Minds
Andrew Collins traces the legacy of the Denisovans, through mythistory and archeology, across the ancient world. What we find is a civilization more than 40,000- years old, with an advanced intellect and technology.
Sacred Balinese Healing with Candace Silvers
Open Minds
Human behavioral expert and lifestyle coach Candace Silvers shares some of the miraculous healing techniques used by Balinese master healers.
Positive Mind & The Miracle Club with Mitch Horowitz
Open Minds
Mitch Horowitz reveals insights from one of the original organizations in the positive mind movement of the late 1800s, The Miracle Club, and what made their practices so successful. He offers tools and techniques, that you can start using today.
Nostradamus and Dolores Cannon with Julia Cannon
Open Minds
Nostradamus once predicted great calamities to befall the Earth. Yet, none of them seemed to have occurred. When Nostradamus came through in a channeling session with Dolores Cannon, he revealed the truth behind his quatrains and how humanity avoided these great disasters.
Spiritual Approach to Science with Rupert Sheldrake
Open Minds
We follow along with Rupert Sheldrake as he shares his life’s journey which to led to the discovery of the morphic resonance theory. What we find is that science and spiritual practices do not need to be two separate views of our world.
Moving to a Green Economy with Martin Ogle
Open Minds
Join the conversation that can move us to honor the biodiversity of the environment and create a thriving economy.
Transcending the Biblical Narrative Part 1
Open Minds
Sharing their decades of experience, Theologians Paul Wallis and Sean O’Laoire discuss stories to help see beyond the veil of fear-based religious doctrines and understand the benefits of indigenous perspective in reshaping our worldview. Part 1 of 2.
Shifting Consciousness with ET Guidance
Open Minds
If extraterrestrial beings exist beyond our current perceptions, how can we communicate with them? Is it possible that superior civilizations can help us to bring peace to Earth? ET contactee and experiencer Tim describes his face-to-face experiences.
Traversing Parallel Realities with Jason Quitt
Open Minds
Jason Quitt explains how you can experience your multi-dimensional existence by getting out of your body to explore other realities and alternate timelines. His insights can help you successfully and safely traverse previously unfathomable realms of existence.
Working Through Trauma with Tiffany Barsotti
Open Minds
Tiffany Barsotti recounts how she put the brakes on negative emotional reactions to overcome the effects of fear.
Dying to Wake Up with Rajiv Parti
Open Minds
Near death experiences have the profound ability to changes one’s life forever. Rajiv Parti brings the wisdom he gained from the other side to help other heal their heart, through the power of forgiveness and connecting with the stillness within.
Disclosure in the Aquarian Age with Barbara Hand Clow
Open Minds
Barbara Hand Clow offers us a message from the Pleiadeans to help us make an effective transition into the Aquarian age. The time of disclosure is soon, and we need to engage in deeper discussions of our old belief systems concerning ET beings.
Shifting to Higher Realms
Open Minds
Is our fate predetermined or can we define our own destiny through our choices? Author Maren Muter shares from her own experiences accessing higher realms and reminds us that we are all playing a creator role in the theater of our lives.
Soul Contracts & Quantum Medicine
Open Minds
Is it possible that a doctor’s treatment can be enhanced by their quantum knowledge?
Everyday Magic with Mitch Horowitz
Open Minds
Magic is possible every day. Simply put out into the world what you would like to return. Mitch Horowitz, author of the books The Miracle Club and Miracle Habits, discusses the magical principle of reciprocity, which means that what you choose will return to you.