Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

The Art and Science of Hand Reading with Ellen Goldberg
Open Minds
Your hand may hold the secrets which can reveal who you really are. Ellen Goldberg explains various features on the hand which can help you discern which of seven archetypes holds greatest sway over your personality.
When Imaginary Friends become Real with Ann Andrews
Open Minds
It is a matter of grave concern when our children’s imaginary friends cross into the real world, heralded by paranormal phenomena. Ann Andrews recounts her harrowing experiences as she realized that her child’s imaginary friends were actually extraterrestrial entities.
Dystopian Legacy of Atlantis with Byron Belitsos
Open Minds
According to the Urantia Book, the fabled land of Atlantis was the locus for two off-planet factions struggling to be the sole progenitors of advanced human civilization. Byron Belitsos recounts the Urantia Book’s telling of the rise and fall of Atlantis/ Eden and the ongoing battle to control human evolution.
Light Healing Breakthrough with Gerald Cohen
Healing Matrix
How can you help your body heal itself? Homeopath Gerald Cohen explains how using cutting-edge diagnostics and natural healing modalities can alleviate chronic health problems.
Creating High Voltage Health with Glenn Streeter
Open Minds
We live in a society filled with poisons and technology which actively drains the voltage from our bodies. Discover the exercises, foods and devices which will help us, once again, learn how to create high voltage health.
Conscious Media Network
Science journalist, Graham Hancock shares his exploration of expanded consciousness by means of the beverage Ayahuasca (the Vine of Souls).
Self-Authority in a Polarized Society with Neil Kramer
Open Minds
Mainstream culture is being used as a control mechanism for the masses by increasing the degree of polarization within our society. To understand how this works, we delve into Hermetic thought and explore the Principle of Polarity from the Kybalion.
Open Minds
Many people have given up faith in the medical industry due to ineffective treatments, especially when it comes to cancer. But, science's understanding of cancer has turned a corner and many people are finding new benefits through naturopathic and holistic approaches.
The Hormone Cure with Dr. Sara Gottfried
Healing Matrix
What if you could identify which of your hormones and neurotransmitters need some TLC? Dr. Sara Gottfried explains the benefits of bio-identical hormones.
Bruce Lipton on the Biology of Belief
Conscious Media Network
Bruce Lipton’s work indicates that attitude and environment, seldom our genes, dictate the quality of our health. The agendas that control our state of health reside in the subconscious mind and Dr. Lipton says that a little re-programming can work wonders.
UFO Disinformation Stratagems with Nick Pope
Open Minds
As a ranking member of Britain’s Ministry of Defense, Nick Pope was privy to disinformation stratagems used to obscure and suppress any information concerning credible UFO encounters. He now reveals many of the tactics and techniques used to cover-up the events of the Rendlesham Forest encounter.
Defying Darwin
Open Minds
What are our history books leaving out about the origin of mankind?
Creating and Perpetuating Empire with Neil Kramer
Open Minds
If there is an unseen power ruling over our society, it does so only because we allow it to hold sway over the course of our lives. Neil Kramer defines the dominating ethos of Empire and explains how our culture continuously creates and perpetuates it existence.
The Mindful Carnivore
Open Minds
Hear the emotional dilemma and the spiritual discovery of hunting.
Jesus in India with Paul Davids
Open Minds
Eighteen years of the life of Jesus is unaccounted for in the biblical accounts of his life. Paul Davids has explored the mysteries of where Jesus was and what he was doing during those missing years.
Connecting with Self with Carrie L'Esperance
Open Minds
The deepest exploration that one can undertake is the journey to connect with one’s own soul force. This is the work of Carrie L’Esperance, who helps people learn how to connect their intellect with the deeper wisdom of the soul.
Higher Self Emerging
Open Minds
Rise to meet challenges of our times by using our higher consciousness to break free.
Merging with Nature with Tamarack Song
Open Minds
As human beings, we have grown comfortable and complacent in a civilization separated from the natural world that gave rise to our species. Now, there is a way for you to discover how to get back to the roots of your natural being and relearn the language of the natural world.