Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Higher Self Emerging
Open Minds
Rise to meet challenges of our times by using our higher consciousness to break free.
Higher Consciousness through Forgiveness with James V. Hardt Ph.D.
Open Minds
We know precious little about human consciousness. However, a recent discovery has shown a surprising new way that we can dramatically enhance our mental capabilities. Dr. James Hardt explains the neuroscience behind achieving the highest levels of consciousness using love and forgiveness.
Rebirth of the Mayan Calendar with Carl Calleman
Open Minds
Many people are disappointed that the end of the Mayan Calendar, in 2012, did not bring about the great transformations that were hyped. However, something subtle and spectacular did actually happen.
Rhineland Mystics Part 1: Hildegard von Bingen with Matthew Fox
Open Minds
Matthew Fox unveils the light that Hildegard von Bingen brought to the world through her visions and teachings. Her divine visions heralded a new movement of Christian mysticism that persisted for centuries.
Ask THEO Live: The Soul Family with Sheila and Marcus Gillette
Open Minds
Lifetime after lifetime we encounter the same collection of souls which repeatedly returns to support each other through their various lessons together. Sheila Gillette channels THEO who explains reincarnation and the soul family before answering questions from a live studio audience.
Celestial Guidance for a Broken World with Daniel Raphael
Open Minds
Daniel Raphael offers guidance for returning the social aspect to sustainability in our global civilization. If there is little hope that we can fix these problems ourselves, perhaps we may need some celestial guidance to help heal our broken world.
The Real Story behind The Conjuring with Andrea Perron
Open Minds
From the moment the Perron family moved into their dream home, strange things began to happen. Andrea Perron recounts the frightening real-life events that became the basis of the Hollywood movie, The Conjuring.
Folklore vs. the Reality of Inner Earth Beings with Michael Mott
Open Minds
Michael Mott suggests that humanoid beings, dwelling in underground Biosystems, have always been a part of Earth’s ecosystems. Discover more about inner earth beings.
Creating High Voltage Health with Glenn Streeter
Open Minds
We live in a society filled with poisons and technology which actively drains the voltage from our bodies. Discover the exercises, foods and devices which will help us, once again, learn how to create high voltage health.
Marilyn Monroe Declassified with Paul Davids
Open Minds
On the silver screen, Marilyn Monroe stunned audience like no one before her. In the pages of the tabloids, word of her mysterious death left everyone breathless. Paul Davids explores and debunks details underlying the official story of Marilyn Monroe’s death.
The Authenticity of Self with Nigel Taylor
Open Minds
The New Age movement, no matter how popular it is, seems to have a tough time resolving real-life concerns. Nigel Taylor discusses the conflicting information found throughout various self-actualization movements in order to examine aspects of the authentic self.
Developing your Intuitive Senses with Mariana Cooper
Open Minds
Mariana Cooper explains that each and every one of us has latent psychic talents, to some degree. To that effect, she enumerates different forms of psychic abilities and communication styles so that you can open the intuitive senses that you were born with.
Open Minds
While conducting a comprehensive examination of ancient temples, Cort Lindahl found a pattern within their structures which connect some of the world’s most powerful monuments, such as the Tower of the Winds in Greece, the Stone Circles of Avebury and the Temple Mount in Israel.
Journey of the Soul Across Lifetimes with Michael Lindemann
Open Minds
Death may come as a surprise to a young soul, and Michael Lindemann explains that this not an ending, but just the beginning of a long journey. But, this adventure is never a solitary venture as we all have many partners that we help and in turn assist us to navigate the journey of our soul across lifetimes.
Bruce Lipton on the Biology of Belief
Conscious Media Network
Bruce Lipton’s work indicates that attitude and environment, seldom our genes, dictate the quality of our health. The agendas that control our state of health reside in the subconscious mind and Dr. Lipton says that a little re-programming can work wonders.
Jesus in India with Paul Davids
Open Minds
Eighteen years of the life of Jesus is unaccounted for in the biblical accounts of his life. Paul Davids has explored the mysteries of where Jesus was and what he was doing during those missing years.
Esoteric Foundations of America with Cort Lindahl
Open Minds
With the discovery of the New World, mysteries of the ancient world took root in the sacred structures of North America. Cort Lindahl expounds upon his examination of the alignment of ancient temples by following the movement of the great bloodlines of Europe into foundations of America.
Open Minds
Many people have given up faith in the medical industry due to ineffective treatments, especially when it comes to cancer. But, science's understanding of cancer has turned a corner and many people are finding new benefits through naturopathic and holistic approaches.