Break Through Emotional Eating with Gay Hendricks
1 Season . 4 Episodes TV-PG

In Break Through Emotional Eating, Gay Hendricks shares the essential secrets that can assist you in finding an agreeable weight and a body you love.

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Introduction (Preview)

In Break Through Emotional Eating, Gay Hendricks shares the essential secrets that can assist you in finding an agreeable weight and a body you love – the same secrets he used to lose 140 pounds and keep the weight off. His unique and effective weight-loss method does not focus on specific foods or a specific regimen. Instead, you will discover the emotional triggers that direct so much of our behavior, and then learn how to take control of those behaviors by connecting to the spiritual center that is in each of us.

Gay Hendricks has been a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and body/mind therapies for more than 45 years. He is the co-founder of the Hendricks Institute. On top of the bestseller Conscious Loving, Hendricks has written and co-authored more than 35 books with his wife Katie – many of which are used as textbooks in universities across the globe. Gay Hendricks has appeared in over 500 radio and television shows, including Oprah, CNN, CNBC, 48 Hours and others, and he offers seminars and workshops worldwide .

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
7 mins TV-PG
Gay Hendricks begins this series with his own dramatic weight-loss story. He shares four secrets that allowed him to make this change – secrets that can help anyone to follow the same path.
8 mins TV-PG
Deep, easy breathing can make you feel vibrant throughout your day. Gay Hendricks offers a technique he has taught to thousands of his students over the years.
7 mins TV-PG
As Gay Hendricks began the process of losing his hundred-plus pounds, he realized he needed to learn how to embrace his emotions. He needed to let down his 300-pound wall of defense and build up a new emotional awareness in himself.
7 mins TV-PG
Being fat brought Gay Hendricks to an insight that forever changed his life, which goes right along with the exploration of our emotions – any emotion, even such unpleasant ones as anger or fear, takes place against a background of spirit.