Mystery Teachings
Season 3 . 12 Episodes TV-PG

Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. in physics, deftly interweaves complex concepts from ancient mystery teachings and quantum physics to bring us real-world ways in which we can deepen our spiritual connections and manifest a fulfilled life.

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Mystery Teachings (Preview)

Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. deftly interweaves complex concepts from ancient mystery teachings and quantum physics to bring us real-world ways in which we can deepen our spiritual connections and manifest a fulfilled life.

Season 1: Revelations from quantum science reaffirm ancient mystery school teachings. Discover how you can change the way you live and think, to paradigm shift into a new reality.

Season 2: Explore the mysteries of human potential. By combining science with metaphysics, we gain a balance between spiritual wisdom and physical practicality to become fully awakened galactic beings.

Season 3: Get the alchemical tools you need to make real changes and transmute your reality into a higher state of being. Then you can begin healing every part of yourself and the world around you.

The previous season 4 of this series is now available as a standalone series titled 'Mystery Teachings of the Tarot' -

Host: Theresa Bullard
Audio Languages: English, German, Spanish, French
Subtitles: English, German, French, Spanish
34 mins TV-PG
Learn how to travel beyond the physical body, while still being alive on Earth. Theresa Bullard shares techniques that you can use to learn astral travel. She reveals important do’s, don’t, and myths concerning travel through the astral realms.
35 mins TV-PG
Learn how to use dreaming as a spiritual practice that connects you with your own divine self. Theresa Bullard takes us into the realm of dream-time to give us useful methods for connecting our intellectual mind with the intuitive side.
38 mins TV-PG
Learn how crystals can hold a powerful place in our lives, from advanced technology to spiritual allies. Theresa Bullard gives a us a deeper understanding of the sacred geometry, care & feeding, and the usefulness of crystals for our spiritual evolution.
31 mins TV-PG
Learn how you can gain deeper insights into unresolved emotional triggers which negatively impact the way you connect with others, using relationship alchemy.
38 mins TV-PG
Theresa Bullard guides us through the seven stages of alchemy and how they correlate to personal transformation. She explains how they affect our lives and how not to get stuck in any of these steps.
38 mins TV-PG
To help us push through to the next level of humanity’s collective evolution, Theresa Bullard discusses how the seven stages of alchemy apply at the societal level, in the face of the world’s challenges.
35 mins TV-PG
Theresa Bullard reveals how we can work with this shadow aspect, and the dark night of the soul, to bring Self into a greater state of wholeness.
36 mins TV-PG
Theresa Bullard highlights the flow of light, as it emanates from Source, moves through the cosmological hierarchies and the sephirot of the tree of life, into the archetypal realms, just before manifesting in the physical world.
35 mins TV-PG
Tap into ancient wisdom to bring your visions into reality. In the heart of the Tree of Life we find the Cube of Creation, a tool you can use for manifesting your Will, aligned with the infinite creativity of Source.
34 mins TV-PG
The Tree of Life from the Kabballah gives us a process for accelerated personal transformation. But it is important to learn to ask the right questions if you seek knowledge that you can directly apply to your life, leading to progression.
38 mins TV-PG
Reclaim the feminine aspect of the divine within to bring yourself into balance and wholeness. Theresa Bullard gives us deeper insights to the divine feminine, not only as a cosmic creative force, but the indwelling presence of the divine within.
36 mins TV-PG
In only twelve pages, the Sepher Yetzirah reveals volumes of mystery teachings from the Kabbalah. From this work, Theresa Bullard reveals the 32 paths of wisdom as depicted in the Tree of Life and reflected in frequency and vibrations.