Skill in Action
1 Season . 3 Episodes TV-G

Take your asana practice to the next level by incorporating key biomechanical principles that will bring you a deeper sense of stability in the pose and greater freedom in the movement.

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Foundations to Connect (Preview)

Take your asana practice to the next level by incorporating key biomechanical principles that will bring you a deeper sense of stability in the pose and greater freedom in the movement. Whether you have a home practice or attend studio classes, cultivating clear understanding of skeletal alignment and muscular action will empower you to radically transform your yoga.
These classes will give you the tools to build a solid foundation, powerful core integration and easeful expression in every pose.

Teacher: Nico Luce
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
47 mins TV-G
An enlightened asana practice that will draw your awareness to your physical foundation as you work through poses like forward folds and balancing postures. Adding in these key biomechanical principles allows you to feel a deeper sense of stability in your practice and in your life.
50 mins TV-G
Embrace core integration to explore backbends and arm balances in this carefully composed vinyasa class. This practice will help you learn the muscular action necessary to bring controlled power to all of your asanas. Begin with kapalabhati (skull-shining) breath to create heat, then move through hamstring opening and twists in preparation for variations of side crow and hurdler's pose.
43 mins TV-G
Challenge your stability and alignment in this energizing and uplifting practice. Focus on the harmonious expression of balancing poses, twists, flow, arm balances, and backbends such as wild thing and upward facing bow pose.