Yoga for Athletes
1 Season . 3 Episodes TV-G

This yoga for athletes collection with Ashleigh Sergeant is great for those particular areas that may be giving you problems in your sports.

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Yoga for Athletes: Support Your Ankles and Knees (Preview)

This yoga for athletes collection with Ashleigh Sergeant is great for those particular areas that may be giving you problems in your sports. Focus your asana practice on the lower, middle, or upper body parts that may need a little more attention as you use them to up your game. Increase range of motion and release repetitive movement injuries so that you can strengthen what is weak and release what is stuck.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
32 mins TV-G
A skillful and supportive class for your ankles and knees. Featuring a variety of movements aimed at increasing range of motion and releasing harmful patterns caused by repetitive movements, this class can help with dropped arches, shin splints, charlie horses, chronic knee discomfort, and ligament/tendon damage.
43 mins TV-G
An accessible and effective routine to help safely and quickly open your hips and ease discomfort in the low back. Increase your speed by stretching your thighs and increasing range of motion in the hips. Open the low back to relieve limitations. This video is part of our Yoga for Athletes Guide.
29 mins TV-G
Help relieve tight or aching areas of the upper body as you increase range of motion through dynamic, repetitive movements. Address carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, frozen shoulders, rotator cuff injuries and more.