Phantom DNA and the Soul’s Sense of Smell

Phantom DNA and the Soul’s Sense of Smell

This is the fourth article in a five-part series on how your soul experiences the physical senses. In our previous articles, we discussed the senses of sight, sound, and taste. Let’s move now to the sense of smell.

Smell is Stimulated by Emotion

Smell works exactly the same way that your taste buds do. The two senses are inner connected. When a smell is ignited by the engagement of something physical, then that is the same physical reaction of your senses that we have spoken about in previous articles. The soul’s sense of smell, on the other hand, is stimulated by emotion.

When you are having a memory that stirs something inside of you and you can smell something, especially when that something isn’t physically present in the room, then that is your soul speaking to you.

Many people actually get a blending of the two components (the soul sense and the physical sense of smell) at the same time. For example, you walk into a room that you haven’t been into for a long period of time and you smell the scent of a family member who has passed. Perhaps you smell the cologne or perfume they used to wear and there is no question whose scent it is. It could even be a scent you haven’t smelled since childhood, yet you still remember it clearly and it stirs an emotional response inside of you.

When Your Soul is Calling You

The intense emotional response is your soul calling out to you. If there is not a physical being standing there emitting this smell that you are smelling then you are experiencing the energy essence of what is – or what has been – in the room. Perhaps an apparition or a ghost has been there, and you are sensing through smell their energy essence.

The Phantom Effect of DNA

Your DNA is an energetic signature that transcends the need for the body. You’ve already reached a greater level of awareness through your sense of smell – this is your soul transcending materiality.

DNA photons continue spiraling where DNA was once previously. This wave of light being energy creates a phantom of where the DNA was in the first place. This is why you can still smell something from a person who is no longer there.

Your thoughts, your consciousness, your senses, are like satellite signals that can beam around the earth using electromagnetic fields – the heartbeat of the earth. See the data from Nobel-prize-winning scientist Dr. Luc Montagnier in Healing with the Source Field – Part 2 with David Wilcock.

Again, photons – the light – spiral where DNA once was, offering proof that we are light beings.

Learn more about how our energy essence remains in the room long after we leave in episodes of Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock, one of Gaiam TV’s original shows.

Here is more scientific proof from Dr. Peter Gariaev on DNA phantoms in Beyond Cosmic Consciousness – Part 2.

Dream Sensations

Another example comes when you remember the smells you experienced when you visited a place for the first time. You may not have been consciously aware of the smells at the time, yet something much later triggers a memory and the smells come flooding back to you – even if years have passed and you’re thousands of miles away.

This happens in your dream state all the time. Without digressing too far into the subject of dreams, where do you believe the sensations come from when you dream? Have you ever seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled something in a dream? Most people have, although not everyone remembers their dreams.

Some humans have very emotional experiences when they dream. Dreams can be so vivid that they would swear that they have been somewhere or experienced something and there is no explanation for it. This emotional experience is the Soul’s experience.

When there is nothing physical around you at the time to warrant your reaction that is going on inside of you, then it’s your soul speaking to you.

Feelings vs Emotions

We can’t emphasize this point enough: your feelings are based upon that which is physical. For the most part, they are shallow and fleeting and are easily influenced and changed. Feelings are mostly what’s on the surface, so to speak. An emotion, on the other hand, is the deep resonating experience. It is the expressive and sensory system of the soul.

The emotions that you feel are the deep experiences that are carried with you from lifetime to lifetime, and existence to existence. An emotion is thought in motion. It literally sends an electrical current throughout your embodiment and is felt as an experience. That is why you take emotions with you when you leave this realm.

Your feelings are surface, fleeting, and forgotten, and in the human experience, they are continually changing from moment to moment. They tend to be in reaction to the things going on around you in the illusion. That is why we say they are related to the physical or the physical goings-on that you are doing at that moment in time.

It’s not that you don’t have an emotional experience every time you do something physical; you actually do. But it is the intense emotional experience that moves you that we are referring to in this series.

Remember Your Origins

Isn’t it rather amazing that we have set up for ourselves all these little “helpers” to aid us in experiencing more of what is going on around us? These helpers are your senses! They expand you, shift you, and help you in your creating. They are designed to remind you of who you really are…a LIGHT Being having a PHYSICAL experience.

Most humans don’t live in this perspective and have forgotten their origins. Your embodiment is an incredible mapping system to your soul. If you can come to know this and to embrace this knowing, it will expand you.

We humans take so very much for granted. When we age or manifest disease or decay in our bodies, we forget the incredible senses we retain. It is those senses that can aid us in our continued journey toward enlightenment.

When we’re distracted by pain, it is common to forget the automated system in our body that still remains in place. Our senses seem so simple and yet are so complex. We should honor each of them and hold them in our hearts with gratitude, knowing that despite all that goes on in the physical we truly remain light embodiments for all eternity.

As you reach for expanded states of consciousness, it is the senses that will take you there. In all the physical things that we do as humans, we have forgotten that. Hopefully, these discussions are igniting your senses within and expanding you to greater heights as your experience continues on this earthly plane of existence.


Brad Wallis

Kasey and Brad Wallis along with Julius empower people all over the world. Through Julius’s higher consciousness teachings they are expanding the awareness of who we truly are by knowing our Source essence as limitless light beings. Kasey/Brad along with Julius bring their work forward through many forums today including Books by Brad that encompass Julius’s teachings, Personal Readings with Julius, Interactive Teaching Classes with Julius, and the I Am Academy, which is a membership community that is an advanced academy for people who want to expand their lives with Julius. Visit Expand with Julius .


A Unique Cosmic Conjunction is Happening This Month

A triple conjunction is headed our way between Mars, Uranus, and the north node in the constellation of Taurus — a conjunction we haven’t seen in nearly 170 years. This could mean that big changes are coming.

Between July 26 and August 1, we’ll see a three-party astrological conjunction, between Mars, Uranus, and the north node in the constellation of Taurus. Mars and Uranus unite every couple of years, but the north node does not. In fact, this conjunction in Taurus has not been seen since 1855.

So, what does this mean for you? Astrologer Mercedes Arnus Arraut breaks it all down.

“To understand this a lot better, let’s put it into order,” she said. “So, Mars is the energy activator, it’s our drive. Mars is an accelerator of events, whatever it touches it accelerates and turns it on. Then Uranus is the planet of awakening, it wakes you up with whatever experience is happening. Uranus is very unpredictable, so it acts without us having any control over it because it’s the rebel; it’s the energy of the new — the innovation. So, we don’t really know what’s going to happen with Uranus because it’s going to give you a new experience.”

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