The Gaiasphere Event Center Brings Together A Conscious Community

The Gaiasphere Event Center Brings Together A Conscious Community

In 2011 we set out on a rather lofty mission: to empower an evolution in consciousness by creating a platform for like-minded seekers to explore some of the deeper questions of our existence.

Since then, we’ve watched as our community has rapidly expanded from tens of thousands, to now hundreds of thousands. And while the wonders of modern technology have allowed us to reach so many of you, the digital sphere adds a layer of separation between us. That’s why we decided to launch GaiaSphere.

And now we’ve done it – we’re excited to announce the completion of the GaiaSphere at our campus in Boulder, Colorado, where we’ll be featuring some of our favorite luminaries beginning June 14, 2019.

Over the course of the coming year, we’ve invited speakers including Gregg Braden, Caroline Myss, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Nassim Haramein, and Graham Hancock for deeply engaging, multi-day seminars that are sure to be life-changing.

The goal of GaiaSphere was to create an immersive atmosphere for our community to connect with each other, with us, and with the thought leaders we all know and love on Gaia. And though these thought leaders will be leading the events, we want the biggest headliner to be you.

That’s what we had in mind when we built GaiaSphere; to take our mission and make it into a tangible, substantive experience where we can meet you and you can get to know us — the real-life personalities and faces who have made it their work to create a conscious media platform.

Our newly built, state-of-the-art facility will bring together seekers from across the globe to connect in a truly transformative environment, facilitated by the brilliant minds who are inspiring paradigm shifts in modern philosophy, health, and spirituality.

So, what can you expect when attending an event at GaiaSphere?

We’ve set the number of attendees for each event at around 250 people – large enough to make connections within our community, but not so big that you’ll feel overwhelmed. We hope that over the course of these multi-day sessions, you’ll forge relationships that could last a lifetime.

During breaks, you can strengthen those newly formed friendships by grabbing a bite to eat at our all-organic cafe with fresh, locally-grown nourishment that will cater to any diet.

Take a stroll around the various pathways that encircle Gaia’s campus, or meditatively meander through one of our stone labyrinths. Then make your way to the Gaia Garden where honeybees from our apiary pleasantly buzz around, pollinating the flowers and trees, while you contemplate some of the day’s learnings.

For those visiting the area for the first time, Boulder and the Colorado front range have endless offerings including gorgeous scenery, outdoor activities, and exceptional dining. You may never want to leave.

If you’re unable to attend in person, don’t fret! Each of our events will be live-streamed in HD and uploaded to Gaia’s archives, always remaining available to Gaia+ members.

And just like our mission of co-creating an evolution in consciousness, we want you to help us co-create what GaiaSphere could become. These initial events we’ve announced are just the start — we need your help figuring out the rest. If there’s an event or use for the space we haven’t seen, please, let us know. We’re all ears.

Let’s create our own atmosphere here at Gaia and continue the audacious undertaking of creating an evolution in consciousness. Together we can connect, transform, and belong at GaiaSphere.

Using The Science of Intention Setting for Success at Work

Using The Science of Intention Setting for Success at Work

According to many spiritual leaders and success gurus, good fortune, abundant health, love, and finance do not come to you by accident. You call them forth with your thoughts, actions, and intentions. And if you are not experiencing days filled with joy and fulfillment at work, it is likely that you only have your own subconscious mind to blame.

Many old, limited and toxic belief systems hide out in our subconscious mind and are secretly running the show of our lives. When you are focused on your current state of misery, scarcity, and ‘want,’ then you will receive more of the same. Yet merely by thinking of yourself as having joy and abundance at work, you will start the process to make it a reality and begin to attract the right resources and people to you.

Setting Your Intention

Start by taking a big picture approach to your goals and be specific. If you know what you want, don’t beat around the bush. Boldly ask for it. Saying “I am a confident and detail-oriented senior copywriter” leaves little question as to what you are trying to accomplish. When you acknowledge the direction you’d like your career to shift, you can start to approach your workday with a whole new sense of being — every action you make throughout the day starts to change with your intention in mind.

Rephrase your goals in a positive way that brings you even closer to what you want. Saying “I am happily employed at the job of my dreams” will eventually help you figure out what those dreams actually are.

Even thinking through your intention helps you get really clear on what you might want out of your job, which in turn helps you make clear decisions that are focused solely on that goal. You might start to ask yourself “Does this new project I am taking on serve my intention?”

Give these mantras a try

Repeat these to yourself daily or write them down in a journal.

  1. I am confident in my skills and will keep an open mind when new challenges arise.
  2. I am getting a new job that inspires me to challenge myself and that makes me happy.
  3. I am focusing my energy on what I can accomplish in the present moment and not dwelling on mistakes from the past.
  4. I am successful in everything I set out to accomplish.
  5. I am a valuable asset to the company.
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