5 Ways to Discover Purpose and Abundance in a World that has Forgotten

5 Ways to Discover Purpose and Abundance in a World that has Forgotten

As I read the seemingly innocent letter, I could feel a pit churning in my stomach. We have been ingesting this devastating message since we were so very young, in many innocuous ways.

My daughter is 7 years old. The letter was from her school. Over the next month, all the 2nd graders would be tested by the Gifted and Talented Program. So there it was, the blatant societal assertion that some children/people are gifted and talented while others are not.

I travel all over the world teaching yoga and am continually heartbroken to find that 99% of the people I encounter have a persistent, nagging sense of “not enough”. Not smart enough, not pretty enough, not wealthy enough, not fit enough, not wise enough, not patient enough, not talented enough, not spiritual enough, not worthy enough, simply not good enough. Could this be the root of so much of our stress and dis-ease? As a yoga therapist, working to change this deeply seeded, incorrect assumption has proven time and again to be paramount in the healing process.

The truth is, everyone has gifts. Everyone is talented. Everyone is essential to life. What each and every one of us is, is something so much more than simply enough. Yet this persistent belief of inherent lack endures because in so many ways we have forgotten.

The Plague of “Not Enough”

Consider these questions. What would happen to the world’s economy if we all realized that we lack nothing? What if we awakened to the fact that we are whole and complete, perfect, just as we are? What if we truly believed in ourselves, our innate gifts, and the abundance that supports our heart’s purest desire?

The message of lack is ingrained in the very fabric of our society. Everywhere we turn we are being told to get more, do more, be more, learn more, earn more, etc. So our sense of abundance is swallowed whole by the all-consuming vortex of more, more, more, never enough.  And we can’t help but feel the urge to continually fortify and fiercely protect what is me, my and mine.

Then we show up in this world and walk with each other in a great and grave disguise. Secretly feeling like frauds, with paint on our skin, fear in our thoughts, anxiety in our words, and holes in our hearts, we fight, we run, we hide. We pretend to be bigger than life, or shrink and shrivel shamefully back. Each of us trying so hard to get it – this elusive prize of “success”. To fix it – our perpetually unworthy image of ourselves. To compare it – our own value against another’s. To hide it – our shame of falling short. Trying so hard to find it – our way back home to a sense of peace.

Yet, ironically as we dedicate ourselves to this never-ending self-improvement project, we live a smaller than we were meant. We forget the truth of who we are, the essential value of our particular purpose for being, and the innate perfection of our specifically wild and wonderfully messy presentation of humanity. And so we wait. Wait for a time, a place, a circumstance, a body, a mind, a bank account that is better than this. In the meantime, we excuse ourselves from living whole and fully living.

Likely we all know by now, through a simple examination of our lives, that the “ideal conditions” we have been led to believe that we need to thrive are never coming. In truth, now is the time, these are the perfect conditions, and you are the one – just as you are –in the skin that you’re in to live the life of love that you were meant.

“The meaning of life is to discover our gifts. The purpose of life is to give them away.” ~Albert Einstein

5 Ways to Live into the Fullness of Your Being


With a foreboding sense of unworthiness, validated by the bombardment of outer messaging everywhere, we stumble around in a mind and world that has forgotten. A world in which we are literally killing ourselves and each other to gain a sense of “enoughness”. So, we turn to Yoga as a practice of wholeness and remembrance. Yet if we are not mindful on this journey, soon even our Yoga practice will be fueling our sense of lack. We can feel like we need to do bigger poses, more breath practices, deeper meditations, read more books, go to more workshops, gain more knowledge, drink more tea, wear more malas, and the list goes on and on. But, all we need to do is remember.  To realize that all that we seek is right here in the palms of our hands, in the beat of our hearts, and the flow of our breath. The worthiness we seek is in the human that we already are, in this being that has always existed.  No need to get, to do, or be one more thing. Remembering our innate wholeness, our true nature is simple:

Get Outside and Observe the Innate Perfection of the Natural World

There is perhaps nothing that can change our perspective quicker than getting outside into the natural world. Go out in the day and sense the sun on your skin, the wind in the air, the clouds in the sky. Observe the way the plants and trees each reach up from the earth uniquely twisting, winding, budding, blossoming, deteriorating, and decomposing. All this existing along the fine continuum of living and dying.  Go out at night and bathe yourself under a sea of stars. Go to the top of a mountain, the middle of a field, or just to where the pavement meets the grass. Notice the innate and essential interplay of the elements. How the existence of everything in nature is co-dependent on and affected by the existence of everything else.

Then remember that you are not separate from this dynamic and wild tapestry of life. You too are sewing an essential thread that only you can sew. You too are supported by the rhythms of life. You too are twisting, winding, budding, blossoming, and deteriorating in your own unique way as you weave your way along the continuum of living and dying.


Turn to the Wisdom Within

So often we look out to our families, friends, loved ones, teachers, and even adversaries to get a sense of our worth. We look out to astrology, oracles, articles, and even the quizzes on the internet to tell us who we are. We look out to the societal standard for an acceptable outline and timetable for the arc and direction of our lives. But if you dare to crawl magnificently deep inside, you will find an innate wisdom that is governed like a compass to steer you well and guide you perfectly along your own soul’s journey.

Here is a short practice you can do at any time to simply stop and drop in to the wisdom within. Just stop where you are. Interlace your fingers and lay your palms flat on your chest in the gesture of trust. Take a few deep breaths right into the palms of your hands. Once your awareness has dropped inward into the space of the heart, ask yourself anything. i.e. Who am I? What is this quality of my existence before I have a thought about it? What is it that I live for? What is the next step on my journey? Would it serve my soul’s journey to choose this or that? Remember the questions are yours and the answers are there.

Create Some Space for Presence and Name Your Gifts

Many of us are quite adept at naming and describing, in detail, our long list of faults. Instead, take some time in a place that is peaceful for you, a place where you can allow a sense of spaciousness and presence to grow. It can be in your house, somewhere outside, or somewhere close that inspires you. Once you are there, allow your whole being to arrive perhaps by taking some deep breaths to soak it all in. Or you could sit down, close your eyes and touch the earth. Maybe singing would inspire a state of presence. Movement practice of any kind can be a great way to settle in. After you feel a sense of spaciousness, presence, and connection grab a pen and a piece of paper and list your gifts. List those innate gifts that you seem to have been born with, and those gifts that have been picked up along your particular path in life. Name them, own them, honor them, and embrace them. Then go back out into your everyday life and dedicate yourself to generously give them away.


Embrace Imperfection, Know that You Will Be Judged

In the impossible effort to fulfill everyone’s needs, make ourselves look good, and to avoid being judged; we strive for perfection to save us. But, we all will be judged, we will face tremendous challenges, we will make mistakes, and we will fail. It’s an inevitable part of being human in this life. And if we live our lives trying to avoid these imminent experiences, ultimately we will find ourselves anxious and/or depressed and living small.

We must be willing to know ourselves and to be ourselves with all that we meet. We must own our gifts and cultivate the courage necessary to go out and give those gifts away, no matter how imperfectly given or received. We must be willing to show up for the hard conversations. To fall flat on our face and cry out in surrender with tears of disappointment and grace. To get back up with a more full understanding of what it means to be human. To try to be kind when every fiber in our being just wants to be right. To forgive ourselves when we lash out instead. To allow our friends to see us with ruffled hair, unpainted skin, holey shirts, messy houses, ice cream mustaches, empty bank accounts, empty bottles, empty hearts, and the unspeakable truths that speckle the paths of our lives. We must be willing to let it all fall apart, this crazy façade of perfection, so that we can be real together, raw and wild, in our truth, imperfectly divine.


Explore the Mystery of the Bigness of Life

Remember, not only are you an essential, magnificent thread in the tapestry of life, but that you are just one thread. The greater weaving is vast and much more mysterious than you could ever possibly imagine. Allow yourself to be awed by the sunrise, stunned by the stars, captivated by the silence, taken by the wind, melted by the touch of a child’s hand, honored by the words of the elders, sunken into the earth in your garden firmly planted and growing, inspired by the colorful frog that jumps 50 times its own length, humiliated by the intricate pattern of a pinecone, persuaded by the persistence of a flower that pushes stubbornly up through stone, humbled by the grace of a seashell, rocked and humored by all of the waves and expressions of life while you still can.

How to Follow Your Dreams

How to Follow Your Dreams

The Seven of Cups is one of my favorite tarot cards. It represents dreams flowing to us. Not just those we actively pursue but those set within our destiny with no effort or exertion required.

As children we follow these passionate impulses without fear or hesitation. The world, our parents and society slowly dismiss these destinies as fanciful and set us on more productive pursuits, thus squashing that which is most innate within our hearts.

To follow your dreams is not the stuff of legend but the very purpose of life. However, you can recapture that destiny which allows you to fulfill the illustrious nature of your true being.


How do we begin to find our dreams if they have slipped from us? While some blessed souls may have it charted out with great focus, others may find dreams to be a bit elusive slowly fading from our view. Rarely do we have parents actively championing our dreams, inserting instead their own morals and issues to help us avoid their missteps. Yes, this is done from love, but rarely from awareness.

The “why,” the logic, often obfuscates the seed of the dream. “How will I get there?” or “Who will be interested in hearing what I have to say?” shades the passion. Vulnerability, fear and doubt set in.

To recapture that which has always been with us may require creative exercises of daydreaming. What was it that excited you as child? What were the longings of the innocent heart before practicality was interjected? Passion and curiosity are the surest ways to find your abandoned dreams.

We are drawn to those things that match our destiny. Like some phantom limb, we can always feel them when we seek them. Find the whisperings and this is the key to find the dreams long forgotten. Regardless of the sensibility, seize the dream and breathe life into it. Even if this is not the ultimate path, these curiosities will bring you home.


Expectations will likely pulverize the dream. Fearless pursuit and relentless determination are no way to chase your dreams. Inherent in the chase, is the disappointment or the exhilaration, both addictive. Chasing is not the way.

Dreams do not like to be quantified and work outside of the realm of logic. Treat it with curious devotion and the nature of dreams has its own magic which will find you. Your destiny is already set, my love.

Like the blueprint of the oak within the acorn, you are sure to succeed in those pursuits you most desire.

Feed your dreams through gentle nurturing and quiet attention. It is faith – not discipline – that will bring your dreams to you. Follow the dreams; don’t set course for them with careful planning and detailed attention, for then it becomes a task. It is the process of discovery that fills us with such joy we cannot bear to let it be forgotten.


Once the dream has been pinpointed, the universe quickly confirms you are on the right track by sending blessings your way. Synchronictites begin appearing that confirm your path. You find things come to you easily. It is a matter of alignment after all. When we match the frequency of our destiny and follow our dreams with loving gentleness, the world conspires to help us achieve that which has been ordained for us.

You could call this fate. But fate feels firm to me – fatal – lacking in free will and with plodded course. Destiny is the blueprint. How we arrive there is the journey of each soul and the delight of being.

The energies that find us when we follow our dreams feel good. This sense of peace, contentment and excitement are sure signs we are in alignment with our dreams. When we are in rhythm with the truth of our hearts, we cannot be but lifted by the path ahead. Even if we are unable to see the outcome, the process of creation feels too fulfilling to abandon.

Following our dreams gives us life, vitality, passion and becomes the purpose of our lives. We will feel more joyful and attract more of the same to us. Without effort, with loving attention, when we find the vibration of our destiny, and tend it well, everything unfolds just as planned. It is faith, not a detailed plan, that will feed our dreams and bring us to our destiny.


We have many demands on us on any given day. Bills, self care, family and professional obligations at times seem to fill our to do list. If we feed these necessities only, the dreams will begin to wither. The trick is that the dream is always near, waiting patiently to be nurtured. Paying attention to that which gives us passion daily is the most certain path to following our dreams.

Like a muse, the dream is always faithful to us and expression its only purpose. To come into being is its destiny and it has chosen to become through us. Our obligation is to make it a priority. Want to write a book? Commit to writing every day even if only a sentence at a time. Want to be a great artist? Buy the canvas and have the tools at the ready when inspiration does strike.

Without our due diligence we are poor stewards for dreams. Be ready, be receptive and welcome the dream to move through you. This is the path of defiant self love which emboldens us to rise to our destiny.


No great work happens overnight. The Sistine chapel did not just appear. It took devotion, love and consistent attention to complete. We are often dissuaded from our dreams because we cannot see the veracity of its final product. We look for confirmation that we are doing it “right” when the only validation is the joy it brings.

Creation is a tricky process. Sometimes it is pulsating with life ready to burst forth from us. Other times a quiet murmur that awaits breath to come back.


A vision board may be one expression but I like a bit more deep ritual. In my home, I have an altar to my business and my book. Both receive attention and are tended. I thank them when the muse is loud and honor them when the dream feels far off.

Faith fills me knowing the fulfillment of my dreams is coming even when I cannot possibly see how it comes into reality. Following the dream brings such delight I have no desire to stop even if I cannot grasp how the final product will reach the world.


When I began this path as shaman, I could not imagine where it would lead. I only knew it was the only pursuit that brought me joy. As a child, I would become excited talking about ghosts and aliens. With each step I’ve taken to honor this dream, more reveals itself. The destiny is set and my only job is to follow the clues and remain devoted. I could not have hoped to sit here now writing about such esoteric matters, moreover, that you would even read them. And yet with each unfolding, I find there is little for me to question. It seems the only “logical” next step. Follow the dreams, breathe life into the passion and all will come to you.

The converse of this is also true. In following your dreams, the fears, doubts and challenges will arise. With courage, we face these with the same gentle loving presence and the illusions which seem to block us begin to dissolve.

Rather than feeling discouraged, see the obstacles as exactly the trigger than will help us heal and overcome the doubts deep within. When these “icky” energies arise, it is only asking to be loved, acknowledged and brought back into the fold of your total whole self.


When you treat your dreams as a holy quest, a path of sacred devotion, interesting things begin to occur. As if by magic, everything appears for you. Destiny unfolds before you requiring no stress, no effort. This is the way and is ready to remind you of your brilliance.

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