Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken

During his formative years at the renowned Collège St-Michel in Fribourg, Switzerland, Erich von Däniken immersed himself in ancient holy writings and unsolved archaeological puzzles. Since then he has authored 40 books, including Chariots of the Gods, and held countless lectures and discussions at public forums and educational institutions.

45 videos found

Megaliths and Messages from the Gods
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
The alignment of ancient holy sites across Europe are intentionally placed along geometrically linked lines. Erich von Däniken postulates that this is an ancient message, distinguishable only to spacefaring civilizations.
Visitors from Sirius
The Gods were Astronauts
How could the Dogon tribe in central Africa, living in stone houses, know of the binary-star system of Sirius?
Aliens of the Bible
The Gods were Astronauts
Could it be that the God and angels of the old testament are not the grand spirits that many people believe them to be, but rather extraterrestrial beings?
Legends and Treasures in South America
The Gods were Astronauts
Is there evidence that extraterrestrials were a part of South American cultures in ancient times?
The Gods were Astronauts
What gave rise to the life on our planet, in the time before the ancient gods came to our world?
Flying Machines of the Vedic Gods
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
Ages ago, the gods not only walked among us, but as Erich von Däniken explains, they flew through the air, and beyond, in great flying machines. Perhaps these stories are not just mythological tales and allegories, but depictions of extraterrestrial beings interacting with ancient civilizations.
Ancient Gods of the South Seas
The Gods were Astronauts
Erich von Däniken explores strange structures and statues scattered across the southern waters of the Pacific Ocean, on isolated islands stretching from Asia to South America.
George Noory Forum: Cosmic Questions
Conscious Life Expo Panels 2019
Join host George Noory and celebrated panelists as they stand at the podium of truth, asked provocative questions, and give us their best, unscripted answers.
The Gods were Astronauts
Erich von Däniken reports on his method for extensive historical research, which led him to the realization that the God of ancient civilizations was most likely extraterrestrial life visiting our planet, and erecting megalithic structures such as the pyramids.
Mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant
The Gods were Astronauts
Is there scientific proof of the dangers and miracles attributed to the Ark of the Covenant?
Cargo Cult: Misunderstood Technology
The Gods were Astronauts
Were ancient cultures exposed to advanced extraterrestrial technology?
Solomon's Celestial Chariot
The Gods were Astronauts
What connection did King Solomon have to extraterrestrial beings?
Technology in the Bible
The Gods were Astronauts
Do passages from the Old Testament tell of extraterrestrial civilizations guiding burgeoning human cultures?
The Secret of Fatima
The Gods were Astronauts
What do Fatima, Portugal, the city of Lourdes, France and Guadalupe in Mexico have in common?
The Return of the Gods
Erich von Däniken: Beyond the Legend
We have come to know the gods as an extraterrestrial species occupying the physical realm. The spread of intelligence may rely upon the intentional actions of a very old and benevolent ET species which has returned.
Signs for the Gods
The Gods were Astronauts
Did ancient cultures carve giant signs into the ground to catch the attention of the gods flying high above them?
Hybrid Creatures of the Ancient World
The Gods were Astronauts
Did the ancient gods genetically manipulate the animals of Earth to create strange hybrid creatures which could survive hostile environments on other planets?
Misunderstood Technologies
The Gods were Astronauts
Who built ancient megalithic sites in South America, how and why?