Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim is a tactical advisor and analyst within a covert sector of the German government working to understand the missions and strategies of non-human intelligences on our planet, in this solar system, and beyond. Tim describes his direct contact experiences with more than 10 different extraterrestrial species, specializing with information based upon over 100 face-to-face meetings with the Greys. Through his experiences, Tim gained information on a conglomerate of ETs working with timeline manipulation, genetic seeding, and historic intergalactic conflicts. Connecting with a collective consciousness he refers to as “Being 6" on an interfrequential level, Tim reveals perspectives into the mysteries of our universe from different densities of reality.

78 videos found

Inner Earth Portals & Skinwalkers
Cosmic Disclosure
How do skinwalkers relate to government projects, portals, and UFOs? High-risk oil contractor and Blind Frog Ranch owner Duane Ollinger concludes his interview with Emery Smith and Tim, sharing how UAP appeared during a contracted dig with the CIA.
Saturn & the Council of 7
Cosmic Disclosure
Is there tangible evidence of Saturn’s structural manifestations on Earth?
Orion ETs: From Roswell to Tic Tac
Cosmic Disclosure
Discussing historical events from the Roswell crash to the more recent Tic Tac craft videos released by the US military, Tim Tactical Advisor explains how different governments interact with ETs and filter information.
Reality Clouds & the Artificial Moon
Cosmic Disclosure
How does our moon influence Earth and humanity? From his first-hand experiences with Greys and the interfrequential Being 6, Tim reveals how chaos on Earth is directly related to manipulation caused by our artificial moon.
Project Cassiopeia: Exchange Program
Cosmic Disclosure
Are there other species in the universe that share ancestry with humans on Earth?
Media Controls UAP Narratives
Cosmic Disclosure
Is society being meticulously prepared for impending acknowledgment of ET contact?
Reptilian Installations on Earth
Cosmic Disclosure
Do the Draco have AI technology installed on Earth to manipulate humanity? Through the destruction of social structures, eradication of individual free time, and creation of a material-based consumer culture, Tim conveys that humanity has been affected by time-traveling ETs to delay and divert our divine evolutionary potential.
New Perspectives on The Greys
Cosmic Disclosure
Are the ETs working with world governments the same beings from the infamous Roswell crash? Tim Tactical Advisor differentiates Greys from EBENs by detailing his years of face-to-face interactions with different ET types.
Dimensions of Dominance & Multiple Realities
Cosmic Disclosure
Why are some incarnated souls drawn in by dominant timelines?
Psionics and Open Contact
Cosmic Disclosure
What will it take for humanity to be ready for Open Contact? Tim, Tactical Advisor from Germany, suggests that psionics is the reason we will have full Disclosure.
Greys & EBENs: Friends or Foes?
Cosmic Disclosure
Do Greys and EBENs share a biological lineage that led to an intergalactic conflict? Tim rejoins Emery Smith for an in-depth discussion on the biological, technological, and philosophical differences between these two species who have interacted with Earth throughout history according to their own agendas.
Greys Introduce Frog Race to Humanity
Cosmic Disclosure
Is there a one million-year-old frog race introduced to humanity by the Greys?
Spy Networks & Remote Viewing
Cosmic Disclosure
What can remote viewing teach us about time, space, and consciousness? Explore the secrets of military organizations and spy networks with retired AFOSI agent Richard Doty and Tim Tactical Advisor as they examine the phenomenon of remote viewing.
Antarctica: Bases & Beings
Cosmic Disclosure
What did Admiral Byrd really discover in Antarctica during Operation Highjump? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Randy Cramer to discuss the hidden histories of World War II and the resulting fallout.
Levels of Consciousness Defined
Cosmic Disclosure
How can we understand the differences between dimensions of time and space versus densities of consciousness? Illuminating the truth behind coexisting realities, Tim explains how level-five beings often appear as orbs of light to humans.
Advanced Tech: Fact & Fiction
Cosmic Disclosure
Which special projects involving advanced technologies are taking place on Earth behind closed doors? Delving deep into different pieces of advanced tech, hidden elements of history, and ET involvement, Tim rejoins Emery Smith to differentiate fact from fiction.
Shifting the Software of Reality
Cosmic Disclosure
How are psionics and energy manipulation utilized by ET species to shift consciousness? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Emery Smith to explain the realities of energy manipulation, psionics, summoning rituals, and AI technologies that have connected species.
Shifting Consciousness with ET Guidance
Open Minds
If extraterrestrial beings exist beyond our current perceptions, how can we communicate with them? Is it possible that superior civilizations can help us to bring peace to Earth? ET contactee and experiencer Tim describes his face-to-face experiences.