Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim is a tactical advisor and analyst within a covert sector of the German government working to understand the missions and strategies of non-human intelligences on our planet, in this solar system, and beyond. Tim describes his direct contact experiences with more than 10 different extraterrestrial species, specializing with information based upon over 100 face-to-face meetings with the Greys. Through his experiences, Tim gained information on a conglomerate of ETs working with timeline manipulation, genetic seeding, and historic intergalactic conflicts. Connecting with a collective consciousness he refers to as “Being 6" on an interfrequential level, Tim reveals perspectives into the mysteries of our universe from different densities of reality.

77 videos found

Time Unit Missions
Cosmic Disclosure
If there are various time traveling beings influencing Earth’s timeline, all with different agendas, does that result in continual chaos? Tim explains how hierarchies within authoritarian systems only allow certain groups to alter timelines, although high-impact events like World War II cannot be changed.
Shifting the Software of Reality
Cosmic Disclosure
How are psionics and energy manipulation utilized by ET species to shift consciousness? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Emery Smith to explain the realities of energy manipulation, psionics, summoning rituals, and AI technologies that have connected species.
Redirecting Timelines
Cosmic Disclosure
What are “time units” and how do they connect ETs with humanity? According to Tim Tactical Advisor, “time units” are groups of Greys sent through time by the First Order to heal and correct damages to timelines caused by Draco Reptilians.
 ET Influences Upon Religions
Cosmic Disclosure
From the Burning Bush of Moses in the Bible to the flying Vimanas of Hinduism, is it possible human religions were influenced by ET contact?
Time Units: Temporal Dimensions & Shifting Timelines
Cosmic Disclosure
What are time units and how do they affect humanity? Tim Tactical Advisor shares how the group of beings who form a “time unit” reach backward in time from a future version of Earth to help maintain order and proper trajectory of the timeline. Sharing his communications with time traveling Greys, Tim clarifies time travel is something very few beings or species have access to.