Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim is a Tactical Advisor and analyst within a covert sector of the German government working to understand the missions and strategies of extraterrestrials on our planet, in this solar system, and beyond. He has a profound understanding of advanced technologies, having worked on numerous undisclosed projects. His insider knowledge spans over a decade, focusing on disclosure topics and the mysteries of the universe. Tim's insights are informed by his extensive network and interactions with ten different extraterrestrial species, including more than 100 meetings with the Greys. His unique perspectives on timeline manipulation, genetic seeding, and intergalactic conflicts are shared through Gaia, where his contributions continue to influence and inform discussions on cosmic disclosure.


Tim is a governance expert with specialized training in tactical analysis


Tim Tactical advisor has experience working in the covert European governance sector, as well as working with extraterrestrial contact and advanced technologies. He has experience within undisclosed projects and Cosmic Disclosure.


Tim has published various articles, podcasts, and Gaia appearances (Comsic Disclosure, Open Minds, and Truth Hunter) covering extraterrestrial life, advanced technologies, and cosmic phenomena

77 videos found

Immersion Pod Technology
Cosmic Disclosure
Imagine the person you are talking to is not a human born of this Earth. Rather, they are a bioengineered body manipulated by an extraterrestrial being within a pod.
Levels of Consciousness Defined
Cosmic Disclosure
How can we understand the differences between dimensions of time and space versus densities of consciousness? Illuminating the truth behind coexisting realities, Tim explains how level-five beings often appear as orbs of light to humans.
Shifting the Software of Reality
Cosmic Disclosure
How are psionics and energy manipulation utilized by ET species to shift consciousness? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Emery Smith to explain the realities of energy manipulation, psionics, summoning rituals, and AI technologies that have connected species.
 Hybrids, Clones & Psionic Illusions
Cosmic Disclosure
Are extraterrestrials, hybrids, and clones walking among us? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Captain Randy Cramer of the USMC Special Section to discuss psionic illusions and soul consciousness.
Shifting Consciousness with ET Guidance
Open Minds
If extraterrestrial beings exist beyond our current perceptions, how can we communicate with them? Is it possible that superior civilizations can help us to bring peace to Earth? ET contactee and experiencer Tim describes his face-to-face experiences.