Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim Tactical Advisor

Tim is a Tactical Advisor and analyst within a covert sector of the German government working to understand the missions and strategies of extraterrestrials on our planet, in this solar system, and beyond. He has a profound understanding of advanced technologies, having worked on numerous undisclosed projects. His insider knowledge spans over a decade, focusing on disclosure topics and the mysteries of the universe. Tim's insights are informed by his extensive network and interactions with ten different extraterrestrial species, including more than 100 meetings with the Greys. His unique perspectives on timeline manipulation, genetic seeding, and intergalactic conflicts are shared through Gaia, where his contributions continue to influence and inform discussions on cosmic disclosure.


Tim is a governance expert with specialized training in tactical analysis


Tim Tactical advisor has experience working in the covert European governance sector, as well as working with extraterrestrial contact and advanced technologies. He has experience within undisclosed projects and Cosmic Disclosure.


Tim has published various articles, podcasts, and Gaia appearances (Comsic Disclosure, Open Minds, and Truth Hunter) covering extraterrestrial life, advanced technologies, and cosmic phenomena

77 videos found

 ET Perspectives About Earth
Cosmic Disclosure
How do various ETs perceive humans? Rejoining Emery Smith, Tim discusses his direct contact experiences and offers differing perspectives of existence through the lens of extraterrestrials and planets outside our solar system.
New Perspectives on The Greys
Cosmic Disclosure
Are the ETs working with world governments the same beings from the infamous Roswell crash? Tim Tactical Advisor differentiates Greys from EBENs by detailing his years of face-to-face interactions with different ET types.
Redirecting Timelines
Cosmic Disclosure
What are “time units” and how do they connect ETs with humanity? According to Tim Tactical Advisor, “time units” are groups of Greys sent through time by the First Order to heal and correct damages to timelines caused by Draco Reptilians.
Manipulating Timelines: Souls, ETs & Stability
Cosmic Disclosure
Do incarnated souls architect reality, or do ET forces also exert timeline influence?
Holoforms, Psionics & ET Manipulation
Truth Hunter
Are humans unknowingly interacting with ETs on Earth? From psionics to holoforms, Tim explains how non-terrestrials can cloak themselves using acoustic frequencies to manipulate the perceptions of both humans and ETs.
Time Unit Missions
Cosmic Disclosure
If there are various time traveling beings influencing Earth’s timeline, all with different agendas, does that result in continual chaos? Tim explains how hierarchies within authoritarian systems only allow certain groups to alter timelines, although high-impact events like World War II cannot be changed.
 The Greys: Guiding Evolution
Cosmic Disclosure
With so much misinformation surrounding extraterrestrials, it can be hard to know friends from foe. As Tim Tactical Advisor shares, it is best not to be afraid.
The Galactic Federation of Hindon
Cosmic Disclosure
How are Area 51 and the CIA related to digs that have potentially unearthed UAP and new elements? High-risk oil contractor and Blind Frog Ranch owner Duane Ollinger shares his experiences and his projects' connections to the Galactic Federation of Hindon.
Media Controls UAP Narratives
Cosmic Disclosure
Is society being meticulously prepared for impending acknowledgment of ET contact?
Orion ETs: From Roswell to Tic Tac
Cosmic Disclosure
Discussing historical events from the Roswell crash to the more recent Tic Tac craft videos released by the US military, Tim Tactical Advisor explains how different governments interact with ETs and filter information.
From UFO to UAP: The New Narrative
Cosmic Disclosure
How do government groups work together to shape disclosure narratives? Space technology consultant David Adair and Tim Tactical Advisor offer their insights as to why the common term UFO became UAP.
The First Order of The Greys
Cosmic Disclosure
What is the First Order and how does it relate to extraterrestrials? According to Tim Tactical Advisor, the First Order is the original name the Greys gave themselves, as they believe maintaining order throughout the universe and timelines is their responsibility.
ETs & Non-Soul Human Vessels
Cosmic Disclosure
Tim Tactical Advisor joins Emery Smith to describe his encounters with what he refers to as biological humans without a soul. Controlled by ETs, these bodies were used to make contact and communicate with designated humans.
Greys & EBENs: Friends or Foes?
Cosmic Disclosure
Do Greys and EBENs share a biological lineage that led to an intergalactic conflict? Tim rejoins Emery Smith for an in-depth discussion on the biological, technological, and philosophical differences between these two species who have interacted with Earth throughout history according to their own agendas.
Reality Clouds & the Artificial Moon
Cosmic Disclosure
How does our moon influence Earth and humanity? From his first-hand experiences with Greys and the interfrequential Being 6, Tim reveals how chaos on Earth is directly related to manipulation caused by our artificial moon.
Advanced Tech: Fact & Fiction
Cosmic Disclosure
Which special projects involving advanced technologies are taking place on Earth behind closed doors? Delving deep into different pieces of advanced tech, hidden elements of history, and ET involvement, Tim rejoins Emery Smith to differentiate fact from fiction.
ET Influence on Language
Cosmic Disclosure
Did extraterrestrials influence the evolution of languages on Earth? Describing different versions of the universe that overlap one another, vibratory communication, and paradoxes of perception, Tim discusses the systematic modification of languages throughout human history.
Cosmic Law & the First Order
Cosmic Disclosure
What is Cosmic Law and how does it relate to the laws of the First Order? According to Tim Tactical Advisor, whether it is Cosmic Law or laws of the First Order, the Universe is experiencing itself and eventually all species reach a frequency level of consciousness beyond self-destructive tendencies through evolution.