Food Matters Mastery
1 Season . 35 Episodes TV-PG

The knowledge inside Food Matters Mastery is designed to empower you to take your health into your own hands. Food Matters exposes the growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional treatments!

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Food Matters Mastery (Preview)

Every one of us makes LIFE critical decisions each day. With each meal we are determining our short term mental and physical health. With every single mouthful of food, our health is going in one of two ways. Either getting closer or further away from health!

For example, if you were driving your car and at every crossroad you chose left rather than right, you would end up at a completely different destination. After 10 decisions you are miles apart. Now apply that to a lifetime of food choices! Years and years of decisions. Processed and packaged foods vs. fruit and vegetables. Fake food vs. real food. No nutrition vs. real nutrition.

The knowledge inside Food Matters Mastery is designed to empower you to take your health into your own hands. Food Matters exposes the growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional treatments!

That's why we have put together something really special for you with all the FULL LENGTH INTERVIEWS FROM THE MAKING OF THE FILM.

Host: David Wolfe, Jerome Burne, Charlotte Gerson, Dr Andrew Saul, Dr Ian Brighthope, Dr Victor Zeines, Phillip Day, Patrick Holford, Dr Dan Rogers
Featuring: David Wolfe, Dr Victor Zeines, Dr Andrew Saul, Phillip Day, Dr Ian Brighthope, Jerome Burne, Charlotte Gerson, Patrick Holford, Dr Dan Rogers
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
13 mins TV-PG
Featuring: David Wolfe
David Wolfe discusses: The definition of what constitutes Raw Food (enzymes, nutrients), how to prevent immune system issues, how to begin with Raw Food and more...
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Victor Zeines
Dr Victor Zeines discusses: The history of mercury amalgam fillings, details on the toxicity of mercury amalgam fillings, the improvements in peoples' health upon the removal of mercury amalgam fillings and more...
10 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Andrew Saul
Dr Andrew Saul discusses: The causes of depression (nutrient deficiency), how a deficiency of Vitamin B3 can cause dermatitis, diarrhoea, dementia and eventually death, the difference between a nutrient deficiency and nutrient dependency and more...
7 mins TV-PG
Featuring: David Wolfe
David Wolfe discusses: Why most of us are not starting from a clean slate, the strategy for detoxification, why you should drink lots of water upon rising before anything else and more...
9 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Phillip Day
Phillip Day discusses: The primary causes and history of obesity, the resistance that Jamie Oliver's program caused in schools in the UK because of addictions to fast food, the university study by professor Malcolm McCloud on depression and chromium deficiency and more...
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Ian Brighthope
Dr Ian Brighthope discusses: The benefits of fasting, vitamin injections and allergy tests for schizophrenic and other mental illness problems, the dangers of yeast, wheat (gluten) and dairy if you are suffering from mood swings or psychiatric symptoms and more...
12 mins TV-PG
Featuring: David Wolfe
David Wolfe discusses: Two essential steps for transforming your health as fast as possible, the fastest way of bringing life force energy to your cells almost instantly, the importance of adding in Superfoods into your diet and more...
7 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Andrew Saul
Dr Andrew Saul discusses: Primary causes of diabetes and obesity, how to prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes naturally, the usefulness of chromium and the B vitamins for regulating blood sugar levels and more...
10 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Ian Brighthope
Dr Ian Brighthope discusses: How we can reduce hospital admission rates by 10-20% in Australia, the Vitamin D deficiency epidemic, how sub-optimal nutrition prevails in nature and more...
12 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jerome Burne
Jerome Burne discusses: What constitutes 'a perfect drug' in the eyes of the pharmaceutical companies, why natural therapies can't be patented, the number of people killed or in someway affected by adverse drug reactions and more...
10 mins TV-PG
Featuring: David Wolfe
David Wolfe discusses: What are the opportunities in Food and Nutritional Science, how to choose between junk food and superfoods, ‘You Are What You Eat’ explained and more...
17 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Charlotte Gerson
Charlotte Gerson discusses: The cause of all chronic diseases is deficiency and toxicity, the importance of organic agriculture, why conventional produce is deficient and toxic and more...
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Andrew Saul
Dr. Andrew Saul discusses: What is cancer and how is it developed in the body, how to treat and prevent colon cancer, how to build and strengthen the body to beat cancer using high doses of nutrients and supplements and more...
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Ian Brighthope
Dr Ian Brighthope discusses: The importance of medical professionals of educating the public, cancer patients undergoing conventional medicine have to deal with a high amount of stress, stress has an adverse impact on our body and causes inflammation which in turn causes more cancer and more...
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: David Wolfe
David Wolfe discusses: what happens when the body receives ‘real’ nutrition compared to ‘poor’ nutrition, what if we can actually reconfigure our ‘real’ dietary needs? what changes in our bodies will we see, if we want to we can design a diet where we can feel completely in balance and more...
15 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Charlotte Gerson
Charlotte Gerson discusses: Dr Max Gerson's story about his health problems when he was 25, Dr Gerson's migraine headache cure diet, how to use apples and natural vegetarian foods to heal and more...
7 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Andrew Saul
Dr Andrew Saul discusses: Recommendations on preventing and reversing cancer, details on the Gerson therapy and what it entails, the benefits of carrots, tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables for strengthening the body and preventing cancer and more...
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Ian Brighthope
Dr Ian Brighthope discusses: Superfoods and raw foods, which superfoods help with sunburn (spirulina and barley grass), RDIs and how some nutrient deficiencies can cause major illness and more...
9 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jerome Burne
Jerome Burne discusses: Why doctors don't prescribe nutrition, the problems with using drugs just to treat the symptoms, the dangers of drug-company-sponsored, post-graduate education and more...
5 mins TV-PG
Featuring: David Wolfe
David Wolfe discusses: Why moving towards foods that have a high vibrational energy is such a phenomenon, the mass processing of chocolate and how it has impacted the nutritional quality of the food, the choice that we all have to improve our health and our family's health and more...
12 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Ian Brighthope
Dr Ian Brighthope discusses: Why the Japanese have one of the lowest rates of cancer in the world, the important trace elements that are required to protect you against cancer, the power of green tea for its antioxidant capacity and more...
6 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Andrew Saul
Dr Andrew Saul discusses: The failure of cancer research over the past 4 decades, the War on Cancer and how they have grossly mistreated people to date, the limitations of only using cut, burn and poison approaches to cancer research and treatment and more...
6 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Phillip Day
Phillip Day discusses: Vaccinations and whether you should give them to your child or not, are there too many vaccination in the schedule, why some children might become listless and disinterested upon vaccination for the rest of their lives and more...
16 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Charlotte Gerson
Charlotte Gerson discusses: The pharmaceutical industry's war on cancer and how that impacts your health, the politics of cancer and why it has become a 'cancer industry', Nixon’s 1972 claim on the 'War on cancer' and more...
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Andrew Saul
Dr Andrew Saul discusses: Why nutrition is not taught in medical school, how you can use Niacin (B3) to treat depression and alcoholism, the importance of taking control of your health and more...
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Ian Brighthope
Dr Ian Brighthope discusses: Why prescribing a drug you actually compromise health, the definition of drugs as metabolic blockers, why seeing medicine as an art is important in making decisions and more...
38 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Patrick Holford
Dr Patrick Holford discusses: The vitamin research with high success rates revealed for curing the symptoms of schizophrenia, why obesity still remains the second most preventable cause of death even though rates of calorie and fat consumption have decreased, the secret to weight loss by balancing blood sugars and more...
10 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Charlotte Gerson
Charlotte Gerson discusses: How coffee enemas for pain relief was discovered during World War II, how often do we need to do enemas as part of the Gerson therapy, weight loss experienced by Gerson therapy patients and more...
6 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Andrew Saul
Dr Andrew Saul discusses: How to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke without expensive surgery, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the US, how to save billions of dollars in heart bypass surgery the world over and more...
6 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Ian Brighthope
Dr Ian Brighthope discusses: How we are growing food, how it is processed and how it is eaten, how the food you are eating is deficient, how can we turn our desertified, monoculture crop soils into healthy soils and more...
15 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Dan Rogers
Dr Dan Rogers discusses: The benefits of the Gerson therapy and the Gerson Plus therapy for preventing and reversing cancer, what diet do patients follow on the Gerson therapy, how to do coffee enemas yourself at home and more...
13 mins TV-PG
Featuring: David Wolfe
David Wolfe discusses: How can we get our intuition back through 'real' food nutrition, if your diet is not fun, stop immediately and get on a diet that is fun, what is a raw, organic plant-based diet and more...
15 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Ian Brighthope
Dr Ian Brighthope discusses: Why diet and exercise is better than anything the healthcare system can offer, arthritis drugs and their effect on your health, how to use turmeric to prevent arthritis and more...
8 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Phillip Day
Phillip Day discusses: What is diabetes and how is it caused, the best way to prevent and treat diabetes naturally, the importance of eating a little but more often, what can we learn from the longest-lived cultures around the world and more...
7 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Dan Rogers
Dr Dan Rogers discusses: Breast cancer, natural breast cancer prevention and treatments, mass lumpectomy vs small lump surgery, what to choose and more...