Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for Beginners
1 Season . 6 Episodes TV-G

This series with senior teacher Guru Jagat, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, explores the what and how of Kundalini Yoga in an accessible way for beginners.

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Overcoming Negativity, Stress, and Anxiety with Sound Current (Preview)

This series with senior teacher Guru Jagat, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, explores the what and how of Kundalini Yoga in an accessible way for beginners.

Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is a complete system-using asana, breath, mantra, and mudra to amplify higher states of consciousness. Kundalini Yoga provides a total overhaul for the entire 10 body system in a very short amount of time. The practice strengthens the nervous system, balances the endocrine system, and stimulates the Kundalini energy coiled at the base of the spine awakening your own heightened consciousness and giving you a greater experience of joy and your own vital energy.

In Kundalini Yoga you will practice kriyas. Kriya means “to change.” Postures and mudras are scientifically designed to create strengthening in the glandular and nervous systems. If you go to the breath in moments of pain or challenge and continue to open into it, something massive will shift in the glandular secretions. None of the postures in Kundalini Yoga are actually physically dangerous—they are all very simple.

Open yourself to a new and powerful channel to heightened consciousness.

Teacher: Guru Jagat
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
3 mins TV-G
Senior Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher, Guru Jagat, introduces her new series Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for Beginners.
26 mins TV-G
Move through powerful yet simple physical actions (kriyas) to activate and strengthen your nervous system, and stimulate your core and metabolic function. A great practice to start exploring kundalini yoga.
52 mins TV-G
Work out your whole body with some rigorous kriyas (actions), and gain unparalleled mental peace with a meditation at the end.
44 mins TV-G
If you struggle with feeling stressed, reliant to stimulants, or generally wiped out, try this practice. Explore a series of kriyas (actions) that can balance and help heal the kidneys and adrenals.
38 mins TV-G
This practice of the sound sat nam in sat kriya (truth action) can assist in clearing negative emotional patterns, stimulate digestion, balance the hormones and build endurance. This is a great entry into kundalini yoga.
38 mins TV-G
Find out about the elegance and power of kundalini yoga through this set of simple movements. Boost your energy significantly while staying in a seated position.