On the Road with Lilou
Season 2
. 20 Episodes
Lilou Macé gets up close and personal with today’s top luminaries who are inspiring a new era of self-transformation and spiritual evolution for co-creators everywhere.
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Consciousness Connection with Anthony Peake
Lilou Macé gets up close and personal with today’s top luminaries who are inspiring a new era of self-transformation and spiritual evolution for co-creators everywhere. You’re sure to enjoy Lilou’s fun, intriguing and conversational interviews.
Lilou Macé
Anthony Peake,
Manjir Samanta-Laughton,
Phil Parker,
Arielle Essex,
Joseph Clough,
Becky Walsh,
Jack Canfield,
Dain Heer,
Gary Douglas,
Dawson Church,
Arielle Ford,
John Gray,
Foster Gamble,
Kimberly Carter Gamble,
Tom Kaypacha Lescher,
Sarina Stone,
Howard Martin,
Mira Kelley,
Tom Evans,
Lars Muhl
On the Road with Lilou - Season 2 Episodes
S2 E1 - Consciousness Connection with Anthony Peake
42 minsFeaturing: Anthony Peake
Have you ever wondered where we go when we dream, what happens with near death experiences, or even why we experience déjà vu? Author, Anthony Peake reveals the consciousness connection of déjà vu, dream states, out of body experiences and oneness through our higher selves.
S2 E2 - Black Holes and the Mind of God with Manjir Samanta-Laughton
41 minsFeaturing: Manjir Samanta-Laughton
What we once thought about black holes is about to change. They are found everywhere from the center of galaxies to the Earth’s atmosphere and may be in our DNA. Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton talks about the spiritual growth that showed her the importance of black holes and the mind of god.
S2 E3 - Genius of the Mind with Phil Parker
39 minsFeaturing: Phil Parker
Stress is one of the most common and dreadful things we face in modern society. But, we can choose what brings us stress and what makes us happy. Phil Parker explains his Lightning Process to identify the internal causes of stress and using the genius of the mind to create a happier and healthier life.
S2 E4 - Living Miracles with Arielle Essex
49 minsFeaturing: Arielle Essex
A miracle can change the life of a person with a major illness. That miracle may not always come as a spontaneous healing; it might come as a change in perception. Arielle Essex explains that her personal journey with brain cancer was really a journey of self growth into the living miracle of self healing.
S2 E5 - Living Your True Potential with Joseph Clough
41 minsFeaturing: Joseph Clough
Often times we feel powerless to access and live the life we want to have. What would you achieve if you found a way to be safe when you live courageously and beyond your comfort zone? Master hypnotherapist, Joseph Clough offers practical advice for discovering your living your true potential.
S2 E6 - Heart-felt Intuition with Becky Walsh
31 minsFeaturing: Becky Walsh
If you learn to trust your heart-felt intuition, you will discover that the answers you need are already available to you. Intuitive Becky Walsh explains how to use different types of intuition so that you can stop worrying and put happiness and self love at the center of your life.
S2 E7 - Finding Your Purpose with Jack Canfield
37 minsFeaturing: Jack Canfield
All of us are born with a purpose to our life. Many of us lose sight of this purpose when we accept other people’s definition of success, rather than looking internally for answers. Jack Canfield recounts his experience of discovering his purpose and bringing it forth in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
S2 E8 - How Does It Get Better than This? with Dain Heer
37 minsFeaturing: Dain Heer
In our lives, we will always have ups and downs. We may not realize it, but we have many choices that we can make for our lives. We can choose to do the things that bring us more happiness and peace. Dain Heer provides many ways you can begin use to begin making the right choices in your life.
S2 E9 - Celebrate your Life with Gary Douglas
42 minsFeaturing: Gary Douglas
What if you found out that your life was suppose to be a joyful celebration? Even though we may know the things that make us happy, we still do the things that bring us pain and suffering. Gary Douglas explains how to unlock what you were taught to be and begin to celebrate your life.
S2 E10 - Tapping Away the Pain with Dawson Church
34 minsFeaturing: Dawson Church
Experiences of stress and pain are far too common and long term suffering has profound effects on health. EFT Tapping can release the suffering quickly and easily. Dawson church explains what EFT tapping is, and how it is one of the most powerful ways to release suffering from heart and mind.
S2 E11 - The Soul Mate Connection with Arielle Ford
31 minsFeaturing: Arielle Ford
If it is true that each of us has an ideal soul mate just waiting to meet us, then all we have to do is prepare for it, ask for it in the right way, and act upon it. Arielle Ford reveals several powerful techniques to make that soul mate connection using the law of attraction.
S2 E12 - Mars and Venus at Work with John Gray
40 minsFeaturing: John Gray
When John Gray wrote Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, he explored the differences between men and women in relationships. Now, he applies this philosophy to the workplace, examining the needs and communication styles of women and men.
S2 E13 - What on Earth Will it Take? with Foster Gamble
39 minsFeaturing: Foster Gamble
Instead of obsessing over the problems of the world, what if we could share our ideas in an effective way and create a better future? Foster Gamble explains how the Thrive Network helps innovators, with their own pieces of the solution, to connect and work together.
S2 E14 - Finding a Chemtrail Solution with Kimberly Carter Gamble
34 minsFeaturing: Kimberly Carter Gamble
We are seeing even more strange trails stretching across the sky and word is getting out that these chemtrails may pose a danger to public and planetary health. Kimberly Carter Gamble explains many of the concerns about chemtrails and offers a way to become a part of the solution.
S2 E15 - Transitioning to a New Paradigm with Tom Kaypacha Lescher
34 minsFeaturing: Tom Kaypacha Lescher
We are transitioning into a time of self empowerment where we take charge of our own development and create our own realities. But this transition is being met with resistance from those who are firmly attached to the old patriarchal ways.
S2 E16 - Healing Love with Sarina Stone
40 minsFeaturing: Sarina Stone
Individually, human beings are capable of generating healing energy. When paired with a loving partner, those capabilities become powerfully amplified. Sarina Stone offers a well grounded discussion on how you can learn to raise, sustain and release sexual energy for health and healing.
S2 E17 - At the Heart of it All with Howard Martin
42 minsFeaturing: Howard Martin
The heart may be the source of a huge shift in consciousness as communities and cultures all over the world are uniting. Howard Martin explains how we can tap into this power and become part of the emerging heart-based world.
S2 E18 - Lessons across Lifetimes with Mira Kelley
53 minsFeaturing: Mira Kelley
Experiences from different lifetimes bring new levels of understanding to our higher beings and can create problems with different lives. Mira Kelley explains how past life regression can help with healing by creating a connection with one’s higher self and resolving lessons across lifetimes.
S2 E19 - New Magic for a New Era with Tom Evans
35 minsFeaturing: Tom Evans
What if there was a way to use the time we have to gain our fullest benefit? Tom Evans explains how you can use your consciousness to promote healing, slow the perception of time, and take conscious control of your chakras, all by getting into the right zone.
S2 E20 - Mysteries of the Magdalene Within with Lars Muhl
46 minsFeaturing: Lars Muhl
After a successful music career, Lars Muhl made profound discoveries into the mystical teachings of the bible. Here, he recounts pivotal moments from his life of awakening and reveals the archetypes of Jesus and Magdalene that we all have within each of us.
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