Short Power Meditations
1 Season . 13 Episodes

As you explore this series of brief, guided meditations, you’ll find that any one of them can become your resource for finding calm, inspiration and flow even on busy days.

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Finding a Comfortable Meditation Posture (Preview)

A meditation session doesn’t have to be long to be effective. As you explore this series of brief, guided meditations, you’ll find that any one of them can become your resource for finding calm, inspiration and flow even on busy days. Each meditation stands alone, yet the series can also be done as a sequence to establish your personal meditation practice. These practices are also perfect refreshers that you can dive into at any point during the day. To create more space in your life, start by dedicating a few moments to relish in the power of meditation with the guidance of master teacher Sally Kempton.

Teacher: Sally Kempton
Episode 1
6 mins
Setting up a comfortable sitting position for meditation is key. Explore several options with many props to help you find your ideal meditation posture.
Episode 2
5 mins
Deepen your attention to the breath and find your true center. In this practice, establish a powerful posture then discover the amazing gifts of energy and peace that we can give ourselves through the breath.
Episode 3
9 mins
The ability to inhale and exhale is your birthright as a living being. In this practice, welcome the breath and allow this life-force to empower your body and mind.
Episode 4
11 mins
At the subtlest level, this universe is made of particles of light. Your body is essentially light, and you are a luminous energetic being. In this meditation, learn how to open yourself to the subtle energy of light to restore peace to your being as well as put you in touch with your own healing energy.
Episode 5
9 mins
A grounding meditation to help you connect to the core of your being (hara). A good one to feel and relax into the support of yourself.
Episode 6
15 mins
Restore your connection to your inner self with this classic mindful meditation that will transport you into the present through embodied sensation and sound.
Episode 7
19 mins
Go inward with the sound of your own deepest truth. The mantra ‘I Am’ is said to unlock the true expression of the universal self in each of us. Meditating on the ‘I Am’ mantra, we begin embrace the true self and listen to how it resonates with the universal oneness.
Episode 8
5 mins
This meditation practice is a magic formula for returning to peace during a time of challenge or stress. Let your own breath guide you into your center and return to your day feeling calm and renewed.
Episode 9
9 mins
The heart center is your secret source of kindness and connection to others and yourself. In this practice, visualize a thumb-sized flame in the heart, and allow the breath to spread its warmth throughout your body.
Episode 10
15 mins
The primal sound so’ham is the sound of sacred presence. Practiced with the breath, this mantra takes you into the heart, opening to the source of wisdom and love.
Episode 11
15 mins
A guided meditation to use your kinesthetic and visual senses to create the path into the awakened heart and into the wisdom of your belly.
Episode 12
10 mins
In this healing meditation practice, invite celestial colors to flow through your body and rest in the vibrant peace they offer.
Episode 13
10 mins
This classic and simple centering practice invites you to open your hara, the center known to be the core of your vitality and personal power, located at the base of the belly.