Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton is a powerful teacher of applied spiritual wisdom, known for her capacity to kindle meditative states in others, and to help students work with meditative experience as a framework for practical life-change. She teaches teleclasses, retreats, and workshops, appearing at conference centers such as Esalen and Kripalu. Sally is the author of ‘Meditation for the Love of It’, which Spirituality and Health magazine called ‘the meditation book your heart wants you to read.’ She writes a regular column, ‘Wisdom’ for Yoga Journal, as well as a column called ‘Meditation for Life’ on the Internet religious site

A former swami in a Vedic tradition, Sally’s teachings combine deep knowledge of the texts of yoga and tantra with practical wisdom from contemporary psychology and integral thought.

Sally’s latest book, Awakening Shakti, gives you access to powerful tools for tuning in to the transformative power of the sacred feminine.

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500 classes found

Everyday Yoga: Connection
Cultivate a connection to the intelligence of your heart with this sequence of seated, floor, and standing heart-opening poses.
Troy Hadeed
Do you need a quick practice for times when life gets busy? This brief sequence includes all the elements of a full practice: side bends, twists, lunges, and hamstring openings in less time.
Everyday Yoga: Connection
Tune in to spirit through a series of practices that bring awareness to the spiritual source that emanates all of life. Use chanting, physical movement, and breath to tap into your source.
Everyday Yoga: Connection
Cultivate connection with your vital life force through your breath. In this class explore the art of connecting to your breath through diverse breathing (pranayama) and specific repeated movement (kriya) techniques.
Everyday Yoga: Connection Introduction
Everyday Yoga: Connection
What does it mean to feel connected? In this brief introduction we begin exploring our connection to different aspects of life through the practice of yoga.
Everyday Yoga: Connection
Foster a healthy and connected relationship with your body through a sequence of poses that will both wake you up and relax you.
Gloria Latham
Release frustrations with dynamic strengthening work, vigorous cardiovascular movements, and a focus on cleansing the liver line.
Christine Miller
Flow through a series of standing shapes to ground the lower body while opening shoulders, hips, and heart.
Tiffany Bush
This is a full body flow to explore the subtle changes in your body as you repeat similar postures from the beginning to the end of the sequence.
Dayna Seraye
Take a break and activate your body, heart and soul with this invigorating series of standing poses.
Exploring the Niyamas
The 5th Niyama, Ishvara Pranidhana, relates to surrender and trust. Work with standing sun salutations in a slow and meaningful cadence. Continue with a steady pace through lunges and deepening hip openers.
Christine Miller
Learn to use your core by lifting up through your center. Practice with this intention through transitions and balance poses. Use this physical movement as a metaphor, to remember you have everything you need to take the next step.
Exploring the Niyamas
Svadyaya, self-study, is the 4th Niyama. It is a potent opportunity to develop and hone your self-awareness . Begin with Victorious Breath, also known as Ujayii. Follow a flow of standing shapes and forward folds that support your inward attention.
Exploring the Niyamas
The 3rd Niyama is Tapas, often translated as Discipline. It is the practice of stoking our inner fire for transformation. Build heat through a sequence of core and arm strengthening poses, training your mind to evolve, and cultivating your inner power.
Bonnie Pierce
Enjoy an efficient full body refresh to awaken major muscle groups and core.
Exploring the Niyamas
Santosha, the 2nd Niyama, can be translated as contentment. Invite humility, gratitude and acceptance through multiple versions of warrior poses and heart openers in this graceful and balanced flow.
Exploring the Niyamas
Saucha, the first of the Niyamas, can be translated as purity or cleanliness. Open with a cleansing breath, called Bhastrika. Continue to build into physical shapes inspired by eagle, dancer, twists, and hip openers.
Tiffany Bush
Build strength in your core and low back to build a foundation to feel your most stable in life on and off the mat. In this practice you will revisit boat pose throughout while interspersing both abdominal and backline strengthening movements in table top, triangle, locust, and bridge. Complete your journey with an optional savasana.