Younger Dryas: A Planet Transformed

Were certain cultures pre-informed of the complete alteration of Earth, and did survivors take refuge underground with those known as the “ant people?”

Alternative researchers continue to explore enigmatic, planet-altering impacts which launched our modern epoch from the debris of the Younger Dryas period. Extreme disruptions to climate and sea level may have been powerful enough to drastically shift Earth's axis and transform existing life at that time. What real cataclysmic geologic events were behind the myths of a Great Flood which utterly obliterated Earth and potentially altered the course of our evolution?

Featuring: Gregg Braden, Matthew LaCroix, Robert M. Schoch Ph.D., Randall Carlson, Ben Van Kerkwyk, Freddy Silva, William Henry, Linda Moulton Howe, Rita Louise Ph.D.
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English, French, German, Spanish