How Many Times Per Week Should You Do Yoga?

How Many Times Per Week Should You Do Yoga?

How many times a week should you do yoga to see improvement in your balance, pain level, joint mobility, and overall health? Boy, that is a tricky question isn’t it? However, it’s a question we teachers often hear.

Do you want to Tread Water, Dog Paddle or Swim Forward?

Most of our students come to yoga because of a health issue, and many come simply to reduce their stress. So how much do you want to feel better? If you do yoga once a week, that is like treading water. Two times a week, well, you’re dog-paddling and gaining some ground. But, three times a week is optimum for truly seeing improvement, because you are moving forward in your recovery, and your body is changing and healing for the better! More than that is okay, but don’t get extreme! Let your body rest and absorb the benefits of yoga, and enjoy some long savasanas!

So, the answer to how often? To really see, feel, and celebrate the benefits of yoga, try doing yoga at least two to three times a week. And yes, doing yoga poses on your own at home counts! And remember to honor the time you spend in yoga. No televisions blasting, bright lights, counts and repetitions, or magazine-reading.

Yoga is a mindful experience with your body so you can heal, and not just exercise.

Broga: 6 Things Every Man New To Yoga Must Know

If you’re a man thinking of taking up yoga, or you’ve just started, then you must read this. It will save you time, confusion and even a bit of embarrassment.

Eyes Wide Shut Guys, when in down dog, learn to close your eyes and get into the pose. Why? One, to feel your way into a deeper stretch. Two, and perhaps more importantly, if you’re in front of a woman and she’s moving through her vinyasa, you could be making it awkward. You may want to be staring at your belly button, but trust me, those eyes may wander and make someone feel uncomfortable.

Kiss My Asana. When you’re in prasarita (a wide-legged forward bend) and you’re in a full class, please be considerate. Stagger your position with your neighbors, and as recommended in the point above, close your eyes. You also want to make sure you’re giving your female neighbors plenty of space coming in and out of the pose, just in case it looks like you’re trying to be a little too… neighborly.

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