David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

Psychic Connection across Time and Space Part 1
Wisdom Teachings
If we can understand that the human mind thrives in a sea of consciousness, then we can begin to explore the nature of those waters. David Wilcock begins to tie together the theories of torsion fields, source field with the scientific exploration of collective consciousness.
The Science of Dowsing
Wisdom Teachings
Our consciousness can connect us to unseen sources of water. Dowsing is one of the oldest and most effective means of locating subterranean water supplies. David Wilcock walks us through the history and scientific exploration of the use and applications of dowsing.
From Microchips to the Cybernetic Revolution
Pete Peterson shares with us what we can expect in the coming cybernetic revolution as computers become integrated with human beings. He was there when the first chips were developed for computers and gives us his vision of the world to come.
The Universe is a Matter of Time
Wisdom Teachings
Many technological achievements have been made since Kozyrev’s findings on the superluminal and temporal effects of torsion fields; by governments and the private sector. David Wilcock examines various practical applications of torsion field theory which have repeatedly produced spectacular results.
Memory of Water at the United Nations
Wisdom Teachings
Even though skeptics lambast Jacques Benveniste’s work, other scientists are working to advance his theories to the molecular and atomic levels. David Wilcock explains how homeopathy and the work of these scientists is just the beginning of a new era for medical advancements.
Russian Pyramid Research Part 1
Wisdom Teachings
As David Wilcock introduces us to some of the key scientific concepts of pyramid power, we see how these simple shapes can affect the future advancement of human civilization. But first, we need to reexamine the nature of the fluid-like energy which gives shape and form to every aspect of our reality.
Wisdom Teachings
Space, Time, and DNA are all created by vibrations from the universe. In this first episode of a new season, David Wilcock begins to unfold the theory underlying the most powerfully creative force in the universe: geometric resonance.
The Illusion of Hope with G. Edward Griffin
The United Nations and the pharmaceutical industry seemed to be at the forefront of conquering two of humanity’s greatest banes, war and disease. But all is not as it seems. Edward G. Griffin explains that the U.N. and the pharmaceutical industry actually perpetuate the problems they promised to prevent.
The Universe is a Single Photon
Wisdom Teachings
Our universe is both infinitely large and infinitesimally small because it is a fractional emanation from a single geometric form.
Super Balance Geometry
Wisdom Teachings
Finally all of the pieces come together as we begin to understand a new cosmology that redefines what we think of as the universe. What we now learn, is that everything moves along the same octahedral patterns, and sizes themselves within the same ratio.
Awakening Our Collective Consciousness with Sperry Andrews
The greatest power of humanity will be realized when we come together as a single collective consciousness, this is something the global elite fear the most. When we learn to connect the heart and mind, we access deeper parts of the mind as a species, and awaken our collective consciousness.
Mystery of the Geometric Universe
Wisdom Teachings
We dig deep into the science that confirms the geometric nature of our universe and find that the most abundant elements have the most harmonious structures. David Wilcock explains the work of the scientists who have made amazing discoveries by exploring the mystery of the geometric universe.
The Healing Power of Consciousness
Wisdom Teachings
The distinction between science and spirituality begins to blur even further as the wisdom so long held by ancient traditions is now being verified through scientific analysis. David Wilcock presents the scientific evidence that proves the healing power of consciousness.
The Backster Effect: Biocommunication Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
As Cleve Backster’s his experiments continued, his findings provided even more astonishing results David Wilcock highlights many of the experiments Cleve Backster documented that shows plants are aware of and can react to their environment.
Scientific Proof that Nature is Telepathic Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
The work of Cleve Backster provides the scientific basis that proves a deep level of interconnectedness of all living things. David Wilcock delves into the root of the herd mindset and non-local communication between human cells.
The Science of Collective Consciousness Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
Laboratory testing is showing that the human mind is capable of far more than we may be comfortable to admit. David Wilcock examines the work of Dr. William Braud whose research provides scientific evidence of extrasensory perception.
Seeing the Miracle of Bions
Wisdom Teachings
After Wilhelm Reich’s laboratory was shut down, several researchers took up Reich’s fallen mantel by successfully replicating his experiments and results. David Wilcock introduces us to the intrepid scientists who defied the system and produced photographic evidence of bions.
Wisdom Teachings
Pyramids, as monuments, have astonished countless generations. But pyramids as machines which collect and amplify source field energy? To understand how this is possible, David Wilcock reexamines the nature of gravity and the fluid-like nature of space-time.