David Wilcock

David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the subject of the book, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, released in 2004 and author of the bestselling books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.

His extensive study of the Law of One material helped him to make contact with his own Higher Self, an event that changed his entire life. He was inspired to move to Louisville, KY, and work directly with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One Contact. This work led on to David working with Richard Hoagland to upgrade his interplanetary climate research.

All the while David had been compiling and analyzing an enormous amount of scientific research which became the basis of the CONVERGENCE trilogy of books. A concerted effort is now underway to bring the Convergence material to the big screen as a Hollywood film.

227 videos found

Advanced Technology Training Part 2
Pete Peterson continues the discussion of his time with the advanced technology training in the White Star Ranch program. He reveals the names of many of the mentors he worked with and the technological advances they made.
Healers in the Infofield
Pete Peterson concludes the discussion of his theory on the Informational Field and its application through Radionics. This becomes apparent when we look to the seemingly impossible feats of fakirs, faith healers and psychic surgeons.
Wisdom Teachings
Mystics and priests have long known that water can hold sacred energy and intention. But, it took an accidental discovery for one scientist, Jacques Benveniste, to learn what ancient traditions have always held true.
Galactic Geometry Part 3
Wisdom Teachings
It is a common belief that galaxies spin and form perfect spirals with their arms full of stars. But as you will soon see, as we examine the shapes of many galaxies, there is a pattern of straight-line geometry which governs their ongoing formations.
The Photon as a Universal Geometric Fractal
Wisdom Teachings
The nature of the universe can be scientifically discerned as a geometric form. But this is something which ancient occult groups have already understood and encoded within their stylized cross imagery. Plus we explore the science of octahedral fractals, which define the shape of our universe.
Experiments with Shape Power
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock shows us how we can detect energy patterns generated by the shapes of the objects in our environment, and how we can best make use of them.
The Big Picture
David Wilcock weaves together the essential fragments that led to the rise of the cabal and how we can excel beyond their control. Awareness of the big picture includes understanding the power dynamics here on Earth, the extraterrestrial sources which influence them and the higher spiritual dimensions that unite us all.
Holograms as Fractals in Action
Wisdom Teachings
A deeper look at the amplituhedron brings together what we have learned about cymatics, close-packed spheres and platonic solids. David Wilcock explains how the amplituhedron was discovered and how it validates the geometric model of the nucleus of the atom.
Rupert Sheldrake invites you to take an entirely new look at our consciousness and the universe we live in through his research into morphic fields. Laboratory tests have proven the effects of the morphic field, showing us the creative potential of human consciousness.
Stolen Knowledge on the Informational Field
The true mathematics of the universe, hidden from humanity, is about to be known. Pete Peterson introduces us to his theory on the Informational Field and the scalar wave technology which he gained from forbidden texts from the Vatican library.
UFOs: Breaking the Mainstream Illusion with Richard Dolan
We live in an upside-down reality as mainstream media feeds us an illusion of the world. Meanwhile an abundance of UFO encounters and phenomenal events are happening all around us. Something will soon happen where reality of our world will no longer be denied.
Deeper into our Fractionalized Universe
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock explains the nature of our universe, as deeper iterations of a single photon. These iterations align perfectly with sacred geometry and with a fundamental constant in quantum physics known as Planck’s constant.
Parallel Realities
Wisdom Teachings
We may experience just one dimension of time, but our reality is connected to a parallel reality that has three dimensions of time. David Wilcock succinctly explains the workings of three-dimensional time as a launching point for explaining the strange physics that underlie our reality.
Fractals, Holograms & Geometry
Wisdom Teachings
Not only do we live in a holographic reality, we are also holograms of the universe. Everything that we are and all that we experience emanate from a single geometric form. David Wilcock explains how our reality is a holographic projection and reveals the applied science that may prove this theory.
Russian Pyramid Research Part 3
Wisdom Teachings
David Wilcock continues to expand upon the work of Dr. Alexander Golod by revealing even more of the strange discoveries he made involving pyramid power. If pyramids can alter the material state of objects, then there is no doubt they can have an effect upon human consciousness.
Wisdom Teachings
Nicolai Kozyrev‘s work revealed the presence of naturally occurring spiral energy patterns. Where this twisting energy existed, life formed. Thus, he called his discovery, torsion fields. David Wilcock recounts the life and research of Nicolai Kozyrev, who confirmed the presence of bioenergy fields.
Russian Pyramid Research Part 2
Wisdom Teachings
Pivotal research by Russia scientists into the effects of pyramids upon physical matter has gone largely unnoticed, until now. David Wilcock brings to light the work of a prominent pyramid scientist, Dr. Alexander Golod who has made some fascinating discoveries involving the power of pyramids.
Mind Over Water
Wisdom Teachings
Scientists are just now learning how we connect with water through our consciousness. David Wilcock introduces us to the effect of consciousness upon the crystalline structure of water through the works of Dr. Masaru Emoto and Professor Kenneth Libbrect.